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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


The Sirens - O Brother, Where Art Thou?

If you listen carefully, you can hear sounds like police sirens...which is clever on multiple levels.

Living in a university town, that shit is a hot issue.

Fish don't seem that stupid to me. If a burrito dropped out of the sky and hung in mid-air I would probably try to eat it.

Thick-sliced bacon...

Just another advantage of being a fearless adult.


It's a finger.

Before you move to Canada after Trump gets elected, just know that it's June 8th and it's currently snowing here.And don't get me started on the giant mosquitos.


Might I suggest that you hang a poster of this directly across from the toilet so you kids can look at it whenever the use the toilet.

A world map is equally beneficial.

Wu Xiuyou, 65, from Datang village in south-west China's mountainous Guizhou Province, was attacked by a wolf when he was 11.

The animal effectively ripped off his mouth and he was left disfigured and only able to eat liquid food.
But several operations after he was an adult made it....better...


When the car in front of me at a traffic signal is texting and not moving...

How do you get up there without turning the stool over?

A couple of guys in Columbia were really into pinball machines. They traveled around the county to enter tournaments and even bought old machines and restored them. Well, they just opened a pinball bar. You pay $5 to get in, then 50 cents per game, but you get to bring any food or drinks you might want. Sometimes pizzas are even delivered there. I wish them the best.


Almost all movement in the film goes from left to right, to emphasize that the film was a journey.

In most classical paintings of war scenes, the people going to the right are friends; those to the left enemy.

It corresponds to how we read and write in the west.

I will keep posting this most wonderful of things until somebody buys me one...

You can watch a man getting beheaded on Youtube, but you can't look at a female breast.
Kim Kardashian's genital area under a microscope...

I hate it when the weather channel has a guy standing in front of the only awning knocked off during a storm. This shit has got to stop.

It's not like there is no drama in a bad storm.

Early in any job interview be sure to use the phrase "I always give 110%", so you can quickly gauge their tolerance for working with idiots.
I immediately called bullshit on this.

Then I followed the link to Youtube and it is, indeed, a big ass bear.

Something to think about...

(The key word in that "their" money back. If somebody else owned it, then it wasn't yours...by definition.)
However, if the rich people buy off the people making the laws and one of those laws is that people who work with their hands have to pay X% of their pay to the government, but people who bet on the stock market only have to pay X%/50, then I consider it stolen and possession can not be ascertained with any certainty.

A repeat I hope you can enjoy...again...

Hitting it from behind and she turns around and says, "Let's get garlic bread after this."
An earthquake in Ecuador

You think that is terrifying?
Watch this...

I think it is called resonance, and it is very, very dangerous.

You deserve to see this again...Great Balls of Fire

And we humans think we matter? Please.

Baseball - confusing foreign visitors for 10 years...

When I showed my wife a porn video of something I'd like to do to her...

Somehow this seemed appropriate here...

I think it's important for women to know that I stand at urinals and pee with my hands on my hips like Superman.
The fuckers have been taught how to show off!!

Why teach a fucking machine how to do such a thing?!?!

That moment when you realize that you have made a huge mistake...

And yes, the girls kicked his ass...justifiably.

For years I thought the ghost in my house was trying to scare me, turns out he was just moaning as he looked over my shoulder reading my blog posts.

There isn't enough timber in the middle east to waste on a cross. Those sized timbers would have been used for boat construction.

Most likely the cross was X-shaped and much, much thinner - maybe as thin as your arm.

And once secured, the X is simply propped up with a brace.
I mean, think of how difficult it would be to stand a cross up with a 200 pound body nailed to the top. That's non-sense.

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