About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 22, 2016

FRIDAY #2769

One Of My Very Own…



All I ask is that you read what the guy has to say on his website.

BLM, Westboro Baptist Church, and the KKK are throwing urine at one another outside Republican Convention.

Turkey bans Islamic funerals for dead coup supporters.

So we have a democratically elected Islamic Fundamentalist leader...who is a member of NATO. What a time to be alive.

If plastic bags could be used as currency, my wife would be on a Forbes list.

I asked my wife if in her wildest dreams did she ever see she and I this old together. She replied, "You've never been in any of my wildest dreams."



Next to the eyes, I think the hands are the most expressive of body parts.

Many scientific facts are based on the hand...

Our hands always enter the danger areas first, despite the hazard...

There are many social taboos concerning what could and what should not be done with the hands in public. This man broke Rule #1.

This lady uses her hand and arm as her canvas...

The importance of hands in medicine can't be overstated...

Doctors practice using their hands for years before they are allowed to perform such useful procedures as this...

And, no, that is not some kind of cocoon or slug. It is most likely surgical packing used after a nose job or something similar.

Hands are often used to reinforce moral concerns...

And more and more often, lost bits of the hand are preserved as, one would assume, a warning to other lawnmower repairmen...

What if "penis" is the name of the most prolific graffiti tagger in history?

I think I found out who braids the Predator's dreadlocks.

Fun new prank: Walk into a busy restaurant and call out the name of a rare Pokémon.

How clever...

This is one of my favorite gags...

Do you know that horrible feeling of guilt when you ate all your kids good Halloween candy and blamed it on her sister? Me neither. 


No Lives Matter.

Almost all of the water system in my city is over one hundred years old...

Year after year they keep repairing a growing number of leaks, but somehow can not find the money to modernize the whole city. I fear that is a ticket on the disaster train.

This guy used to be very, very funny.

I have it bookmarked and view it every day. It is my conclusion that the original cartoonist has turned it over to someone else, because I haven't posted anything he's done for months. Such a pity.

One of New Zealand's most popular touristic attractions, the Nevis Swing

I like the smile on the girl's face who pulls the rope...note that she's strapped to the platform.



Robotic stingray is tiny—a bit more than half an inch long—and weighs only 10 grams. But it glides through liquid with the very same undulating motion used by fish like real stingrays and skates. The robot is powered by the contraction of 200,000 genetically engineered rat heart-muscle cells grown on the underside of the bot. Even stranger, Parker's team developed the robot to follow bright pulses of light, allowing it to smoothly twist and turn through obstacle courses.



One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.

Their is climbing trees, and their is Climbing Trees...

And if you thought the ascent impressive, try the descent....

If I'm guilty of anything it's only of loving too much, insider trading, public indecency, treason, arson, jaywalking, piracy & cannibalism.


My friend, Stephen, manned one of these in Gulf War I.

He said that each one of those things contain hundreds of bomblets and the total destruction is measured in square miles. Those will destroy not only personnel, but also tanks, trucks and even mines.
He told me that those self-propelled rocket launchers are the very first to advance into battle; used to clear the way for the rest of the army. He said that with classical music blaring and him charging right at the enemy, he got a raging hard-on. After the battle (that, of course, his side won) he was embarrassed to tell his sarge about the erection. The old veteran told him that it was due to the extraordinary level of adrenalin and was completely normal.

The human brain is indeed a wonder.

Want to find out if your son is homosexual? Show him these two gifs and note the one he laughs at and the one he just stares at over and over...

You're welcome.


Episode #437 of People Good At Their Jobs:

Where will you be when the acid kicks in?

Two guys in California walked off cliff playing Pokémon. Natural selection accelerated at 9.8 m/sec².


I'm not sure how you could believe the bible is written by god and not also believe that the earth is 6000 years old. A true believer MUST believe that or admit all that shit is just invented by men with an agenda. I guess what I'm saying is that you can't be stupid and smart simultaneously.

1 comment:

Ninja Grrrl said...

You can't be stupid and smart simultaneously? Oh now I'd have to disagree with that. I'm smart enough to follow at least most of what you say and curious enough to look up the rest. But I have made some remarkably stupid decisions when it comes to the matter of love. Doubt I'm alone in that one. However, you were speaking of matters of faith. My mother would have dismissed the number of years issue by saying, maybe they translated the word years wrong or they calculated years differently then, that's not the point. She could have been a Jesuit. She had reasonable answers for most of my questions. The ones she couldn't answer, I took to CCD class year after year, to different priests over time, until I gave up on looking for answers in the Catholic Church around the age of 10. I ended up researching as many other religions as I could, although it was pretty confusing stuff seeing as I was 10. At any rate, my point is that rationalization is hardly unique to religion,but it is necessary if you want to retain your faith. And that is exactly how I lost mine. I don't look down on them any more than I ever looked down on people who believed differently than I do. We're all just trying to find our way and somehow make sense of a life that is more random than we care to know.

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