About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


One Of My Very Own…



Watched a very educational movie about the guys who rescued 170,000 Indians from Kuwait after Saddam's invasion: Airlift.


Her idea of what is meant by "fix that" and my idea of "fix that" is probably poles apart.


Children as weapons. Who thinks up such evil?
We are one year away...

That red circle on the lower right is my house. It's called The American Eclipse for obvious reasons.

[The movie Taken 26]
Abductor: I have your great granddaughter.

This woman has five (5) children. School is starting. Need I say more?

As a school teacher, I was more like the kid in the black jacket.

There's an important message here somewhere...

God: You have to build an ark to save the animals from a tsunami.
Noah: But you're god, can't you just stop the tsunami.
God: *loves boats* No

...Believers never seem to ask such fundamentally logical questions. Know why? They are taught from birth that they aren't allowed to ask questions. What a perfect system to ensure perpetual ignorance!

Just something to think about...

How about they just evolved to gnaw on shit?

I have friends who served in Vietnam.

None of them want the special license plate or anything else. I think most of them are ashamed of their participation. 50,000 dead young Americans for absolutely nothing...except maybe the sale of munitions.

The eternal question "Which is the worst religion in the world" may have just been answered.

It reads: "If you ever get sexually assaulted, do everything you can to frustrate & anger the assaulter, because then they're more likely to kill you. It's much better to be murdered than raped. If you are killed, you will be blessed, but if you're a rape survivor, you''ll no longer have the greatest gift that God gives women: chastity."
 - If that doesn't disgust you, then get off my fucking blog. You don't belong here.

How oddly satisfying...

I have a theory. If the crates were placed directly under the falling balls, then many of them would bounce out. Doing it that way reduces much of the force of the falling balls. I would have just placed one crate on top of the other.


He actually kind of helped.

The crotch grab was a classy touch.

Long story short, the Mongolian wrestler celebrated before the match was over and the Uzbekistan wrestler was award a penalty point, helping him win the match and the bronze medal. Apparently the Mongolian wrestler is the only adult on the team.
 - That coach should meet that Spanish cyclist. They could make some beautiful spawn from hell children.

Anybody in the black community posted anything funny lately? Let's find out...

Cancer researchers are trying very hard to put themselves out of business.

There's a new movie getting a lot of buzz...

Well, here's what the internet has to say about it.



Having magnificent beasts perform like circus seals is not my idea of entertainment.

If toting oranges were an Olympic event...

NASA finds a lens to show us the real power...

Jesus:"People of the Earth! I have returned with news of God's love an-"
Voice from the crowd:"DO THE WINE TRICK!"

Not all heroes wear capes.

My guess is that he was abused.

I actually looked that up and it is not just a few men. There are many men joining the struggle.

In 2008, a science team studying sperm whales came across a pod of them... sleeping.

On a related note, I read that dolphins sleep with one half of their brain at a time. I'm assuming because that are at their most vulnerable when motionless.

If this happened to me on that special day, I would seek annulment immediately.

Omens that powerful should not be ignored.

Meth. It's one hell of a drug!

Gun Powder Wood Block Art

He just places it about then lights it. I like it.

Milk toast was probably named by the same lazy guy who named the fireplace and waterfall. 

The absolute wonder of Side Scanning Sonar




(they can't all be gems)

I did not research this, but I wouldn't doubt it...

Damn Alabama and Mississippi, are you people even trying?


I so want that to be true.


Representatives with seniority get shit done for your state and/or district. That is why it will never change.


I want to believe that also.


I once found this in my teenaged daughter's room and grounded her for buying the worst weed I've ever seen.


I wonder if they have a word for clusterfuck in their language.


If I'm not mistaken, the guy with Mr. Murray is the guy who writes (wrote) all those lines.

I've posted this before...The most common job in every state.

But now I want you to think what the hell all those drivers are going to do with self-driving cars and trucks. Am I the only one worried about this?


You like extraordinarily weird movies with a plot like nothing you have ever witnessed?
The Lobster.


I did that, but I do not consider myself all that smart or that brave. I just looked at how...flawed my parents were and decided that they didn't have the mental capacity to have figured out the secrets of the universe.

I was the kid always asking questions. Such as these passages...

And every single time I asked, I was told that it was not for us to question the Almighty. That is the red flag that tells you that you are being brainwashed.
After that it was but a small leap to a refreshing lucidity.

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