About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


One Of My Very Own…





When your boss asks if you're on drugs, "Which drugs?" isn't the appropriate response.

The fifties were a simpler time...

DO NOT do this with lithium batteries.

Tsar Nikolai’s II Car with skates, 1917.

This may look romantic...

But it wasn't too many years ago that the mayor of Venice begged the world to stop visiting. The canals were being clogged with raw sewage.

Margaret Ann Neve, 1902.

One of only a few people born in the 1700s to live into the 1900s. She lived from May 18, 1792 to April 4, 1903.

Here's that woman who paints herself.

When my kids wanted to go Disneyland I told them Mickey Mouse died in a cancer experiment.

From a man who should know...

ME: How old is your daughter?
FRIEND: She’s eight going on nine.
ME: Yeah, well, that’s how numbers work.

One guy, four faces.

Something to think about...

Read part of an article about preparing for a disaster. It had this handy map.

But in a true emergency, your fellow citizens may be your biggest threat in the blue areas.

Uncle Ralph's Pro Tip: Let people do what they need to do to make them happy. Mind your own business and do what you need to do to make you happy. It's just that simple.
But in my case I can't let delusional people teach innocent children that the entire universe was created in six days and one of the details was that out of the rib of a man, women sprang into existence because the bastard was horny. Seriously? How can you keep a straight face spouting that rubbish? Why not go straight to flat-earth and faked moon landing while you're at it.

Guy used Legos to do this...

When someone invites me to their house and I see more than 2 cars parked outside it I keep driving just in case it's another intervention for me.

Out cold.

Can you imagine the insurance that having one of these would require?

"Oi cunt, here's your fuckin' ring."

If my wife ever hired a private detective to follow me, it would be to get pictures of me not using the coupons I said I used.

What a wonderful idea...

This just ain't right, y'all...

It's still alive!


Somebody once opined that each Olympic event needed a normal guy doing the same thing to show the mastery of the athletes. Well...

Estonia's Olympic team female marathon runners triplets.

Leila, Liina and Lily Luik are believed to be the first identical triplets to compete against each other in the Games's 120-year history.

I'm the guy who wonders if they got the same one back.

Olympian behaving badly. I watched this live.

I started yelling at the screen like the ref could actually hear me.

They must have a real problem with theft.

Rule 39 first timid step...

"Never go to bed angry" is some solid advice if you want to stay up until 3am fighting.

I don't think so.

A classic case of fixing something that ain't broke.


Is that true? I did some research and found this:

You ever pump your gas slowly on purpose so no one realizes you only had $3 on you?

I have mixed feelings about this.

Fuck the bones. How about getting upset over the promised land that was stolen?


Plagiarism is bad? Change a few words, that shit is yours. It's like when you change a baby's clothes- new baby. New baby that's yours now.


I think we should start calling a glutton, a satist.
(I made that up and am quite proud of it.)


So this is what happens when you throw a pound of solid sodium into a river..

3 year old corn-holin' prodigy.

You won't believe what corn holing meant when I was growing up.

Closest thing to a miracle we have...

I've seen people tear a phone book in half with their bare hands & I just had to use scissors to open a bagged salad.


What an attitude.

Look how pleased he looks...

Guy made this out of thousands of bowling balls...

Speaking of...

I found that very funny.

Lastly, a wonderful thing we need more of. I just hope they load without difficulty. If not, give it time...

The doctor wants me to start eating healthier to add years to my life. It's like he's never met my wife.



Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever told you.....you look just like Santa Claus.....

Ralph Henry said...

Only about 10,000 fucking people.

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