About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 16, 2016

FRIDAY #2825

One Of My Very Own…




"A powerful attacker is systematically calibrating an internet-killing tool"...I read.

The article went on..."Someone -- possibly the government of China -- has launched a series of probing attacks on the internet's most critical infrastructure, using carefully titrated doses of denial-of-service to precisely calibrate a tool for shutting down the whole net."

NOTE: Not astroids, or volcanoes, or zombies...this is the greatest possibility for causing us to kill our neighbors for his food.

Strange how god demands the sacrifice of the exact animals we like to eat.
So apparently the USA sent 2 of these bad boys to the North Korea border to encourage them to quit fucking around.


Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining.

Pass me the mushrooms, I'll see you in a couple of days...

You're thinking Why. I'm thinking Why the hell not.

Finally, cardboard city is ours!
I wonder if they could weaponize it to topple rioters without much harming them?

Those zany Nazis...

Each face seems to be displaying a different emotion.

Glass cylinder head

Never heard of it.

How wonderful.

Your children need to see that.

On a site I visit regularly, people post stories that happened to them on the job. This one is from a 911 operator.

That must be a most stressful job...dealing with fucked up shit all day long.


This from a country where infant girls are regularly drowned because they actually costs the family half their property when they marry.
Further, I'm amazed that one of those women actually decorated her torture device.

Ladies and gentlemen, the full English.

I would be morbidly obese if food for thought was an actual thing.


My wife's dancing style can best be described as "Guy On Maury Who Just Found Out He Isn't The Father."


Strips on the sleeve is a thing in Russia...

Ann Coulter has managed to stay so thin because the last solid food she ate was Hansel and Gretel.

A few things I learned today...

Yes I did the math on the fucking thing...that's who he amazed...at her stupidity.

Nice. Sorry the gif didn't load...it was impressive.


Just punishment for asshole parking, but not many door handles like that around.

Maybe if I throw this flag at him...

Have you noticed that no one challenges those people who claim to hear the voice of god, but would institutionalize anyone who claim to hear the devil?

Rather interesting...

Three teenage Bégouen brothers stumbled upon the sublime sculptures of bison while exploring the Tuc d'Audoubert cave in southwest France, in 1912. Radiocarbon dating tells us that the sculptures are 15,000 years old.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous thanks sincere ignorance.


The truck was hit with bomblets. The huge explosion was caused by the stuff it was hauling.

If that were the case, a lot more people would be attacking ISIS.
"So you are saying that it is the survivors who are the problem?"

Trucks drive massive wind turbine blades up a mountain.
There was a much longer gif of this that won't load.

You should have seen them thread their way through villages. Reminds me of carpenter ants.


Like magic.

2016 Wildlife Photography Finalist

Not a 2016 Wildlife Photography Finalist

When I was growing up we paid money to watch people dance throughout an entire movie.

Reasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 I will never ride on a motorcycle...

A girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'm pretty sure I've never met herbivore.


When religion was in charge...

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