One Of My Very Own...
I, personally, would like to hear what you European viewers have to say about that. Seriously. I just want to understand.
Trump in a nutshell:
Anhedonia: Loss of the capacity to experience pleasure. The inability to gain pleasure from normally pleasurable experiences. Anhedonia is a core clinical feature of depression, schizophrenia, and some other mental illnesses.
On January 29 2017 at about five o'clock in the morning Russians launched an intense bombardment with small arms and mortars of the town of Avdijivka in Eastern Ukraine. Since then, the bombardment never stops. Russians fire at the houses of the civilians. The bombardment comes from residential quarters of occupied Donetsk, where Russian Grads were situated so Ukrainians could not fire back at the civilian houses.
A Ukrainian woman in the town of Avdijivka, Eastern Ukraine, cries and begs Ukrainian army "please, do not surrender Avdijivka, please, do not leave us." February 1 2017.
The solders console her as best they can and lead her to a makeshift canteen, opened for civilians after Avdijivka was drawn into humanitarian crisis due to heavy Russian bombardment which started on January 29 2017.
Just one of many shells in that town.
Romanians are out on the streets, over 300.000 people all over the county, fighting against the corrupt government and their new emergency decrees decriminalizing fraud and corruption.
RH: Yes, you read that correctly. If you "only" steal less that $50K, then the government will not try to arrest you.
This person caused the riots in Berkley.
Pro-Trump and extremist right wing/white supremacist personality Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to deliver a speech at U.C. Berkeley, but his appearance was canceled by university officials tonight after big protests on campus that got out of hand with some people setting some objects on fire.
RH: Whaaaaat? Also note the pronoun "his."
Why lone wolf instead of terrorist?
Lest we forget: Obama dropped 26,171 bombs on Muslims 2016
Anagram of Donald Trump is Lord Dampnut.
I'm not sure Donald Trump is qualified to sit in an exit row on a plane.
(please let me know if you know otherwise)
The modern letter grade system began at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts in 1897. The system was picked up by other schools and within about 20 years had become the norm across America. With one change; Less than 75 received an E but was quickly replaced with F because F for failure was more intuitive.
From Huffington Post:
"Earlier this month, researchers warned a 2,000-square-mile chunk of ice was perilously close to breaking away from Antarctica after a major crack in the Larsen C ice shelf grew more than 10 miles in December. Now, that crack has grown even bigger, scientists say. Another massive expansion has left just 12 miles of ice holding a Delaware-sized iceberg from breaking off the continent."
And this is what it looks like close up...
Støj, a Copenhagen coding studio, ran the trailer for The Wolf of Wall Street through an object-detection algorithm that identifies and labels everything on screen. In three separate videos, we essentially see how algorithms watch movies: They label the essentials—a tie, a wine glass, a chair—but leave the specifics out.
The Paper House in Lockport, Mass. began in 1922 when Elis Stenman, a mechanical engineer, began building a small summer home. It started out like any other home, with a timber frame, shingle roof and floors, but when it came to the walls, Stenman had different ideas.
The walls of the Paper House is made up of layers upon layers of old newspapers, glued together until they are about an inch thick, then finished off with a nice coat of varnish. Everything inside the paper house is also made of paper. Stenman built chairs, tables, bookshelves and even curtains and a clock out of newspaper and magazine pages. Only the piano is made of wood and covered with paper to maintain uniformity, and the fireplace is made of bricks, for obvious reason.
You got to love science.
But why would it take 800 to kill only 2000.
In the latest episode of BBC’s Spy in the Wild, a robot ape equipped with a spycam happens upon a wild orangutan that recently found a saw. She uses it with a stunning level of mastery, given the fact that she’s an orangutan.
Mary and Joseph watch the 3 wise men leave
M: I can't believe they went off the registry.
J: I know! Even the son of god needs burp cloths.
Remember me telling you that they are able to write a "score" for ballet that tells each participant where to be, what to do and for how fast, etc. I would be interested in seeing how this was notated.
Raptor Puppet Looks Alive.
What a wonderful teaching aid. Imagine using it to encourage children to write their own short story, then you act it out with that.
Bless his heart.
A town called "America" in the Netherlands already has a wall.
How do you think you come into possession of a sombrero in the Netherlands?
No info on this. Use your imagination...
I have a thing for mutations...
Some people are easily amazed.
If he responds like that for drawing a circle, imagine what he did when he got his first blow job.
I wonder if any Eskimo has ever gotten a house-warming present.
Either a very smart or a very lazy kid.
Would one of you kind people please tell me when those instructions would ever be necessary?
Well worth the read. Here's an example:
- A perfect example is the tobacco industry’s dissemination of reports that continuously questioned the link between smoking and cancer. As one tobacco employee famously stated, “Doubt is our product.”
- Despite the fact that 97% of scientists support the anthropogenic causes of climate change, hired “experts” have been able to populate talk shows, news programs, and the op-ed pages to suggest a lack of credible data or established consensus, even with evidence to the contrary.
- Under agnotology 2.0, truth becomes a moot point. It is the sensation that counts. Public media leaders create an impact with whichever arguments they can muster based in whatever fictional data they can create. In the past it took powerful people, billionaires or major corporations, to generate significant levels of doubt; now, with social media, anyone can provide counter-factual information to create doubt.
So after you kill them with kindness, what do you do with the bodies?
Challenger 2 and the World War I Mark IV
I've never seen one draped like this.
Also, I wonder if the new battle tanks have air conditioning. Anyone?
Wanna guess what this is...
A scab wound with maggots cake. Yum.
Another Dr. Seuss, 1941.
Lava Engulfing a Forest on Hawaii.
I wonder if after it cools are there holes where the trees used to be.
What's the furthest underground you've ever eaten a burger?
I find it interesting that there is absolutely no proof of large numbers of Jews building the pyramids, Christians simple refuse to believe it.
Milo Y identifies as gay, not trans, so he is the appropriate pronoun here. Yes it's confusing. If you don't know then ask. Also STARBUCKS ALREADY HAS PREFERENTIAL HIRING PRACTICES FOR VETS. Don't spread bullshit if you can help it although theres so much of it out there it's hard to keep up. Whatever new sources of information you've developed in the past weeks is questionable. I only commented this time because the Sbux one is so misleading. I'm no fan of corporations, but I am even less a fan of misinformation.
R is cool with right wing indentity politics.
What???? No. Omg you have really missed the point. Making assumptions and then using your assumption as the basis of an insult is quite annoying. If you want to criticize someone kindly USE YOUR WORDS and explain yourself.
Please, children, don't make me stop this car!
Just a statement pointing out an observation.
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