About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 25, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


One of the, if not THE, most beautiful songs I've ever had the pleasure to experience.
Edith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien - (original)
Piaf dedicated her recording of the song to the French Foreign Legion.At the time of the recording, France was engaged in a military conflict, the Algerian War (1954)

Feb 23, 1945

When I learn that Witches are going to cast a spell on Trump, and Christians are going to fight them with prayer.

Malaysian authorities revealed that Kim Jong-nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, was murdered with VX after being pounced on by assassins at Kuala Lumpur airport. VX is a colorless liquid nerve agent and a chemical weapon. Drops on the skin can wreak havoc on the nervous system and be enough to kill. VX can poison a person in food and water, or even sprayed as an aerosol—Kim Jong-nam’s assassins wiped it on his face.

What part of you broke the fucking law don't you understand, amigo? 31 MILLION and counting. Even you liberals must have a maximum number of illegals you deem appropriate. What would that be? 50 million? 100 million? Well, we both agree there's a cap, mine is just lower than yours.
The Department of Justice will "take action" against states that have legalized recreational marijuana. Those states are Oregon, Washington, California, Alaska, Nevada, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, and Washington D.C.
Why don't we all just have a referendum and settle this once and for all?

A sane 6 is better than a crazy 9.


It was stated: "One of these things is not like the other." Anybody?
But it does look like everybody is online.
Mexican music store.
Did you notice the cleverness of the wood grain?
Stalin looks like he'd steal your lunch money.

Never trust a girl named Tammy.

Famous Directors Merged With Their Most Iconic Characters By Mike Leavitt

Tim Burton

Steven Spielberg

Stanley Kubrick

Orson Welles

Francis Ford Coppola

I’m so lazy I actually thought of marrying a pregnant woman.


"The electric grid in South Australia had a blackout for 90,000 customers because there simply was no more power. The main cause of this lack of power is the shutting down of a major coal-fired plant in Port Augusta -- that and no wind. Every wind and solar power system requires an equal dependable backup. So plans are being made to build a large, gas-fired plant, or to build another link to other systems at a cost of billions. This should have been thought of before the wind and solar projects were even started, and certainly before the coal back-up was shut down."

NOTE: I had no idea that a solar or wind system required a "dirty" back-up just in case.

A bayonet's sole purpose is to bring a knife to a gun fight.


Norwegian urinal
Notice the mirrors. I have visited very proper homes where there was a mirror positioned on the back of the commode so that a man could see his dick....and it was a magnifying mirror.
I imagine he has had a great deal of time to practice.
That man looks EXACTLY what I thought a man who teaches bees how to make marijuana honey would look like.
Meet Joanna Palani the Iranian-Kurdish YPG fighter with a $1 Million bounty on her head. 
She was still a teenager when, in 2014, she dropped out of college and left Copenhagen to go and fight in Syria.
She is thought to have killed over 100 ISIS militants.
“When we were preparing to liberate houses of ISIS sex slaves, we have A saying: One fighter goes to rescue but many fighters will come back out.”
And that is why my wife has a section in her store for men's clothes that she gives to homeless men going for a job interview.

A prostitute's work comes and goes.
(read that again)


The comings and goings of France
Who knew?
A hard boiled penguin egg.
We now have the technology to see light moving. This is a 100 BILLION FPS recording.

Constantly relying on spell check has runeind my ability to spell in everyday life.
(that's not all that funny, but that is exactly how a very Southern girl pronounces ruined...with three syllables)



I love how stars are billions of miles apart and we're like "that's a soup ladle."


When zookeepers at the Toronto Zoo euthanized Betty, the zoo's 16-year-old baboon-troop matriarch, it touched off a vicious war of succession among the troops female members that saw them mutilating one another in savage combat -- the war was finally settled when zookeepers implanted the warring baboons with estrogen-releasing implants that reduced the viciousness of the fighting. 
Every time I see an image of this it reminds me of a story.
I was sitting in a bar listening to a man tell me that when he was a teenager he worked at a drug store and found dusty old bottle of cocaine, which he and his friend consumed. I didn't believe a word of it. Then a member of my wife's family showed up to meet me and he went first to the story teller and they laughed and laughed about all the cocaine they had found.

Please keep in mind that I'm some random fucking nobody who had this whole thing blow up almost over night. I've never dealt with thousands of people expecting a quality, error free post every single day...and to be honest, it's rather intimidating. I salute you for your patience on some of my weaker attempts.

With the money the government spends on just one attack helicopter, it could buy me an attack helicopter.


Okay, now I'm getting pissed off about this.
It has far outlived the fad I thought it was. I think it is time for PSA ads featuring well trusted people pleading with stubborn parents to protect their children.
Or how about insurance companies refusing to cover unvaccinated children...and/or their parents.
Why did we change the law that demanded parents show proof of vaccinations before enrolling a kid in school?
Whatever we (collectively) have been doing to solve this problem has not worked. It is time for a Plan B and one with teeth in it.

You non-American guests here on Folio Olio, do you have that insanity in your country or are Americans the only stupid motherfuckers on the planet.


Senph42 said...

Regarding the anti-vaccination question: sadly, it's not only Americans that are batshit crazy and believe every rumor from the internet - what's even worse, some of the dense mofos here believe vaccines are some american poison, part of a conspiracy to rule the rest of the world (along with chemtrails, GMO and that mindcontrol antenna of yours in Alaska)! :D But hey, this is no surprise, I live in a country where idiots make monkey noises to a football player, soooo... :/

Anonymous said...

what is your personal opinion of people that get sex reassignment surgery? Why do you think someone would go to such lengths? Because this is a personal opinion question I will not reply. just curious of OPINIONS

Ralph Henry said...

I don't care one way or the other. It's your body, do with it as you wish.

Anonymous said...

If you don't care then why only present one way of looking at the subject? Why not have three or four different perspectives? Surely you wouldn't care. Or is this just in spite of me? (I guess I lied about replying)

Ralph Henry said...

Do you ever write coherent sentences?
I don't give a fuck about any of this. I post funny (hopefully) shit I find on the internet.
If you would like me to ignore all the hints I get from just looking at you and call you by another name or identity or whatever, then wear a fucking name tag.
I'm thinking of identifying as a Baroness, but I would never get angry if you don't happen to know that.
Have a great time while you figure out all your problems, but I'm out, old buddy.
The Baroness.

Burgervan said...

HAHAHAHA! As long as you're NOT Baroness Thatcher. She was a CUNT!

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