One Of My Very Own...
Kellyalien Conway
This is a real quiz from Blue Ridge Christian Academy, a private school in South Carolina.
Betsy DeVos, the new U.S. Secretary of Education, wants schools like these to be funded by taxpayers. ===
Look carefully...
Earlier this week the president revealed that he supports civil asset forfeiture (of course he does) when he told a sheriff that he would "destroy" a state senator fighting to rein in civil asset forfeiture. Another state senator who opposes civil asset forfeiture, Daylin Leach of Pennsylvania, dared the president to try to destroy him.
Civil asset forfeiture is a perfectly foreseeable outcome of the overbroad War on Drugs: it allows the cops to seize your belongings and charge them -- not you! -- with being the proceeds of a crime. Then it's up to you to figure out how to prove that your cash, car, house, or other belongings are innocent, otherwise the cops get to keep your stuff and use it to fund their operations.
Stop calling blacks "African American." You are assuming all blacks are African and/or American.
Let's play "Back In My Day"
Well put.
Did I read that Trump is CUTTING funds to VA?
If so, it's disgraceful. If not I apologize.
I'm surprised how many people don't know that.
The number of times is irrelevant, the quantity leaked is what we can use to compare to train, truck and tanker accidents.
Plus, it was stated that the above incident was caused by someone shooting the pipe. That is not so much a leak as an act of terrorism.
You can't throw a dead cat on the internet or newsstand without hitting a picture of a naked woman, but send one dick pic and I'm the bad guy.
Using a metal detector in Europe adds a whole dimension...
A new theory concerning the building of the pyramids. A must read.
I found it mesmerizing. Left me slack jawed.
I would have loved to have seen this done...
Oh, here he is now...
I hand heater.
This is why nuclear weapons technicians had to pass a color blind test.
Each color band on the resistors stands for a strength.
We collected these when I was growing up.
You could redeem enough of them for various items. Well, for a while an airline gave them out and a man figured out that business travelers who got them should have reported them as income, so he filled a complaint with the IRS and sure enough the feds got their back taxes. And the man got 10% of the millions and millions collected.
Around my house I have been named Nap Team Captain for the 27th straight year.
Just a quick reminder that this image is not allowed to be posted anymore.
Do you think this guy's minute movement may have saved him from more serious injury?
I'm inclined to say yes. At least he was tensed up ready for it.
While I was teaching I learned that black children at home are taught never to look an angry parent in the eye.
But white parents and teachers demand that the child look them in the eye while chastising them.
Let's take just half the dollars it would cost to build the wall and just PAY Mexicans not to come.
That was my solution in the Gulf Wars. We drop leaflets that we will give, say, $100 per AK47 brought across the line. A mil or so for a tank, etc. I truly believe we could have saved money.
Someone posted several images of life in the Ukrainian war zone.
Then there was this...
The caption read: "How to get power in the field military style. A can of tushonka (canned meat like spam) and a hoe."
Anybody know what's going on? Any PhD electrical engineers out there married to my daughter?
This is officer-medic Irena Lomakovska, Ukrainian Armed Forces. Four rotations in the war zone, came out of enemy encirclement under Grads shelling with 15 wounded soldiers.
Challenger Crew
The guy on the front right is Mission Specialist, Ronald McNair, from Columbia, SC. I once pitched a mural idea to the owners of a huge grain elevator that can be seen from one of the main bridges leading into town. I wanted to paint a life-sized space shuttle in his memory.
What I did not know was that the company was owned by a long standing racist family and I was more or less laughed out of the office.
Give this guy a street name...or rap name.
(I did not make these up.)
Cardiac Arrest
Watermelon Felon
Busta Seam
GI Doug
Knee Pain
Krispy Kareem
50 Ton
Jimmy Buffet
NotRunning DMC
Lil Jaba
I still find it perplexing that the British come in and wipe out whole cultures over generations, yet they still dress up in the little get ups of the murdered ancestors to honor her.
Good example is the Maori who believed in nonviolence and passive resistance. They were almost completely wiped out.
Been working in the field for 5+ years while supporting myself through nursing school. In every single setting we are taught to politely ask what they prefer to be addressed as (sir, ma'am, he, she, Ze, they, mister, ms, mrs, dr.... you get the point). Politely asked a patient today (obviously a trans woman in transition) what their preferred pronoun is, and they scolded me for "not being observant enough to assume that I am becoming a she." All I could do was apologize
(Is it just me or do many people just prefer to remain victims?)
FedEx man extinguishes burning American flag.
My friend's grandparents lived on a farm and when we visited we loved doing this. Then we would build hey bale forts in the loft and throw the cobs at each other all damn day.
Back then we also had door delivered milk, and there are a whole bunch of jokes about the milkman...but that's another story.
Many years ago I came across (stole) a wire holder like that and worked for decades to find enough old milk bottles to fill it. Found the last one a couple of years ago, even though it's not an exact match.
Did you know that the human mouth can hold seven standard sized sand dollars?
I didn't list the Republicans because everyone expects them to vote with Big Pharma.
I'm sorry that trans people are victims more than white male men. It really must be upsetting to see someone else pain.
Using water as tool for building pyramids.
I immediately see a very easy way to test this theory. It was stated in the article that the blocks were floated down the Nile from the quarry to the pyramid site. It seems logical to me that there would be numerous blocks still sitting on the bottom of the Nile that could not be recovered.
Ground Penetrating Radar - If the theory is correct, then there will be evidence found on the bottom (covered in silt, of course).
Where are you inferring this from? I just want you to make sense.
"(Is it just me or do some people like to remain victims)" after the nurse story. transgender people are murdered at a much higher rate than every other group of people in the us. Especially trans women of color. So trans people are victims. More so than white male men (male and men are the same i don't know why I said it like that) R is a white man. He seems to not like it that trans people whine and complain all the time. I'm saying trans people are justified in their fight. Maybe the trans person in the story had a bad day. Who knows. The story could be completely made up by Ralph. i think transgender pain really upsets Ralph. I think Ralph doesn't want to see or here about trans perspectives because it's one more perspective that he has to care about. He cares about Ukraine. He cares about gays. He cares about people being hurt by religion. Caring about another thing must really upset him. So he devalues trans existence because he doesn't want to care about another thing. This is what I see in Ralph. I may not be correct. Actually I'm sure that I'm not correct. I think Ralph's beliefs could be polar opposite of this blog. (He shares things that he doesn't agree with just for the sake of it) the point is life is meaningless. I choose to comment on a mans blog that I have never met because I want to. Trans people become another of the infinite genders because they have to. They need it to live a better life. Just like Ralph devalues them because he may or may not believe his life will be better if trans people were still in the shadows. What do you want from me ninja grrl?
Dearest Anon, I don't hate transgender people, I just have a problem with demands that at this late date in my life I have to alter my language to make them feel whole or unthreatened or whatever. I didn't get a vote in this. Ninja Girl very carefully and gently led me to understand that it is just a pronoun...a lousy pronoun and that I was being far too fussy about the whole thing. I don't give a fuck what kind of lifestyle you live, as long as you don't fuck with me. I was recently invited to my first gay marriage by two dear friends. I have come a long way since growing up in Birming-fucking-ham, Ala-by god-bama. People like me may take a little longer to come around. Please grant me just a little more patience.
What I wanted from you is exactly what you gave me, which was a complete response, and I thank you for that. I agree with you that trans people are the victims of violent crimes in a far greater proportion than white men are. II also believe that trans people should be addressed by the gender of their preference, and I've gotten it wrong before and gotten snapped at which I don't appreciate much but I apologized, corrected myself and went on because it wasn't worth me being upset about. I personally thought that the nurse story reflected more on the nurse than the person who corrected her. The person who corrected her had a moment. The person who typed it up and posted it spent a lot of time nursing a grudge. However, I have also noted the tenor of some posts and I understand what you're reacting to. I don't think that calling names or hurling accusations is going to help anyone though. Actually this morning I was thinking about a picture of a refugee tent city in Paris, and the disgust expressed for how they had trashed the place. I was thinking about that as I took a bath this morning, thought about that virtually endless supply of clean water I take for granted. Refugees in Paris don't want to poop in public or live with no privacy or make a mess. They are told to come, and they do, then they're kind of dumped and told, good luck! Also I was thinking of the pattern of violent crimes by refugees against citizens that have become big news in Europe, and thought about one story I know of where a group of young men assumed that a woman was a prostitute because she wasn't fully covered: in their country, her manner of dress was an open invitation to sample the wares, or so the story went. If any country takes in refugees, they need to teach the newcomers the rules of their culture and provide some type of accommodation and process for becoming a productive citizen. I don't pretend to have the answers. But I don't want to blame some of the most powerless people on the planet for not being able to better arrange their lives. So there's my rambling train of thought along similar lines. But when someone doesn't see things my way, I don't want to yell at them. I want to figure out where our point of disagreement is, so that I can see what I am missing. I don't assume the other person is just an asshole, because if you assume that you're not going to learn anything from them. I'm not trying to get them to change their minds. I just want to see if they will change mine. I want to be able to know what I believe, and why. Thank you for answering me, Anonymous.
what does your age matter in showing compassion to the unfortunate? the oppressed? Transgender kids didn't get a vote in being transgender. They didn't get a vote either my friend. If you recognize that people from Birmingham Alabama take a little longer to come around to things then you understand that there are things to come around too. Why not come around? What will it hurt? I believe that we are all bound to others with every kindness and every crime we birth our future.
What would happen if you ran into the most beautiful woman on the side of the street? She was so beautiful that you commented "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." and she said back to you "Thank you so much (real conversation would stop here but this is a hypothetical) but I am a trans person and I choose to use the pronoun given to me at birth (Male man etc)." What would you do? Would you modify your statement and say "you are the most beautiful man"???? Because Caitlyn Jenner is a man to you. Would this man that you called a woman be considered a man in your eyes? Genuinely curious? This then brings up the question? What does it mean to be a woman? what does it mean to be a man? is it based off of appearance? Genitalia? Brain? clothes? what does it mean to be a human? what does it mean to exist? what does it mean to find purpose? what does it all mean? who am I? am I trans? am I a man? am I a woman? what do I believe? can I be wrong? if I am wrong should I change? what is the point? are muslims wrong for throwing gays off buildings? if so should they change? is Russia wrong for invading crimea? if so should they change? am I wrong for berating a guys blog because I happen to care deeply about someone who frequents this blog? if so should I change? I should be studying for my exam in the morning... ugh
How about the encounter ended this way: You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met."
She: Ha! That happens a lot, but I'm a man who really likes dressing like a woman."
Me: That's cool. Could I buy you a beer?
I see that you are choosing to not put my comment about you using she as the pronoun for the man that likes dressing like a woman. Anything to uphold strongly held beliefs! I understand! The mental gymnastics I do to further my own biases is amazing too. The muslims that throw gays off buildings do the same thing!!! it is almost like we are all human or something...
Dear Anon, My email has been a little wild of late. Must have missed one...nothing personal.
But let's just cut to the fucking chase here. If YOU are the spokesman (woman?) for the misunderstood hordes, then I pity their chances of changing anything. You seem to think you have a monopoly on virtue, but chances are you are too young to even understand the word.
And I was taught in Ala-by god-bama, fuck you, and I will assure you that I will never post another comment from you. You have a message? Start your own fucking blog and let me comment.
He, she, zhe, whatever!!! A chillout session is hereby called.
Ralph, like many in his family, really dont give a shit about what you do, what you wear, what you worship, or what you chose to identify with. We will accept you just the same.
Fucking chill out already. For Christ fucking sake!! Jesus!!
Sorry, RH, if I stepped over the line.
Dear Mr. Henry, I would like to sincerely apologize for my rantings yesterday, but I was so messed up on meth that I woke up this morning in my parent's front yard since I still live with them.
Please forgive me.
Sincerely, Anon.
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