About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


Let's all hear it for my girl...

Located in Islington, London.


Falcon 9 first stage landing from yesterday.
That is just breathtaking.
We let in roofers and drywall workers and keep out PhDs who want to stay after graduation. That is just fucking nuts.

And in case you are not sure where I stand...

But, and there's always a but...
How very, very true. And not just the Middle East. We have been fucking around in South America for centuries.
From Boing Boing: >"North Korea is wiping out all the pro-Chinese regime elements -- although this murder seems especially cruel."
Such a move would be a dramatic miscalculation by Pyongyang, according to Zhao.
"If this murder is confirmed (as being ordered by Kim Jong Un), that will deal a major blow to China's hopes about the North Korean leadership's ability to open up," he said.
This could fundamentally change how Beijing -- a long advocate of diplomatic talks between Pyongyang and its rivals -- deals with North Korea and its nuclear program. <

And here is video tape of the actual murder:

"China, the last of North Koreas ally is slowly but surely turning against North Korean regiment. China is now banning coal buys from North Korea. Coal is the main export of North Korea and China is the biggest customer."
NATO's European allies take steps to meet US demand on spending more on military and NATO.
France is exploding over the rape of a black guy by cops. Yes, cops. French cops.
 This exchange took place between journalist Justin Rowlatt and a wildlife preserve guard in India and highlights a practice that’s produced both encouragingly positive and heartbreakingly negative effects — all in the name of conservation. 
“The instruction is whenever you see poachers or hunters, we should start our guns and hunt them.”
“You shoot them?”
“Yah, yah. Fully ordered to shoot them. Whenever you see the poachers or any people during night-time we are ordered to shoot them.”

We were so high at the movies that I tried find my seatbelt and my wife helped me look for it.


That guy had a great science show on TV.
South Carolina's worst mass murderer "Pee Wee Gaskins" bragged that he has killed a person every way he could think of, including: shooting, poisoning, drowning, stabbing, pushed off roof, etc, ending up with blowing a man's head off with a bomb WHILE ON DEATH ROW. And that shit is true.
I don't actually believe that. There might be some miserable people out there, but I feel that most of them have made some very bad decisions and are unwilling to do what's necessary to do the things to change their circumstance.
Who could argue with t

My wife just threatened to kill me in my sleep, which seems much less horrifying than being killed wide awake. She’s always been thoughtful.


Found some more images of that wire jewelry I like so much.
Source for their website, and rather cheap if you ask me:
I've used an extension handle that long before, and that guy makes it look easy.
This hurts my brain.
Watched a movie where an artist returns to this studio.
No artist worth their salt would leave brushes out all night to ruin like that.

When a movie says "Based on a true story." it means this is sort of what happened but with way uglier people.


The people of Venlo, Netherlands woke up at night by the sound of Germans, which made its way calmly towards the river bridge. This came as a shock since we thought we would be neutral once again.
A powerful picture showing soldiers in front of our captured city hall. This city hall survived the Spanish Inquisition, Napoleon and the Germans. Napoleon planned certain war moves in this building.

Allies fighting door to door combat at the west side of our city, fighting its way to the river.

When I was in Europe in the late 60s these were everywhere in my area.
They are called Dragon Teeth, and they were very effective tank barriers.

Otto von Bismarck
Because of my huge mustache, Germans teased me by calling me Bismarck. 

You got to love this guy.

Can't sleep because I'm afraid I'm going to miss the next apocalypse.


"Ain't No Snitch."
But that wasn't a line in Romeo and Juliet.

I'm excited to announce that I've officially stopped using drugs for fun and solely use them to deal with the unrelenting pain of existence.


The machine is able to sort M&M's and Skittles by colour by performing optical measurements using the RGB sensor. It can be modified to sort any type of coloured object, as long as the individual pieces have a regular shape with even dimensions. It takes approximately 2-3 minutes to sort a 300 g bag of Skittles / M&M's and sorts about 2 pieces per second. The machine is 250 mm in diameter and approximately 300 mm in height.
What a time to be alive.
I bet his Mom is proud.
Cat senses earthquake before it happens and warns owners.
Russian soldiers test their new Arctic uniforms.
It floats. I watched the documentary and you couldn't drown if you wanted to.
The government decreed that the manufacturers must remove those so the cigarettes will go out if left unattended. God knows the lives saved from home fires.

Celebrities are just like everyone else, they shouldn't be allowed to speak about politics unless they're saying something I agree with.


My all time favorite bartender making fun of her boss after losing a bet with me and have to don my Packer garb.
My wife when I turn on any sport at the diner table.

In West Side Story, Tony yells "Maria" in Puerto Rican neighborhood and only one girl shows up.


Remote control life preserver. 
[verification needed]
Rich countries have low birthrates (in part because they have more rights for women, and women who can control their bodies and fates choose to have fewer children on average than women who live in poor countries with fewer rights for women); Japan, one of the most xenophobic of all the rich countries, has the killer combination of a near-total ban on immigration from poor countries (where all the young people are) and a high standard of living. 
Earth's longest lived animals.
I'll have some of what that jellyfish is having.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the brave men and women of our nation's space program.
Commander Betsy Onnerback / Lt. Dick Fitzwell - Thanks for your service. 
Go back and read the names of the astronauts again.
Collection of colorful cacti.
I did not know they came in so many colors.
The largest known supermassive black hole S5 0014+81 compared to our entire solar system. Gentle Joe Jiven Jesus thats not even comprehensible. 
Heres a video to mess you up even farther : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kIiJZINJFiw

In Ghostbusters 2, how are there still skeptics if New York was devastated by a 12 story marshmallow man.


A recent study found that while religious people engage in the same types of sexually-related behaviors (having sex, viewing/reading porn, masturbating) and have sex as often as nonreligious people, the deep-rooted guilt and shame present in the religious group prevents them from enjoying it as much.
The more devout the religious people were, the less happy they were with their sex lives whereas people who "lost their faith", reported a far more satisfying sex life as a nonbeliever.
Shame and guilt are not good foundations on which to build personal ethics about one's sexuality and it is becoming increasingly obvious that religious institutions are hurting young people with their teachings. Even if people aren't explicitly told they are "damaged goods" if they have sex before marriage or that masturbation is a sin or that you aren't allowed to think sexually about anyone until you're married, those messages are there in the subtext and the shame and guilt seep in. 
Dear Hillary, We don't like or trust you. Go away.

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