About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


Finding hard data about Sweden is daunting. Here's my latest find, and well worth the read.

"Why you cannot call Sweden "Safe". The issues present within the Swedish Police."

When dating my wife she asked me to come over to her place to play doctor, then left me waiting in the living room for over an hour. 


I remember telling the doctor I was out of cough medicine and she said the bottle should have lasted two weeks. Asked me how I dosed it and I just mimicked turning up the bottle. She was aghast. Then I read from the bottle that I was to take 10 drams are some such shit and asked her how many Americans she thought knew what a goddamn dram was...2? Then she gave me a dram cup measurer like she should have done in the first place.
If you think about it just right, ancient man who first found this had stumbled across ready made building material that would last, oh, forever. 

No word on whether he can control his ride.
But I would think a simple pressure plate in the seat would work.

Most people's first word of the year is "happy."


So it has come down to this.



Why would she sell seashells down by the seashore, that's a terrible place for a seashell stand. 


I often walk around my house with my eyes closed to practice in case I ever go blind.


What you expect.

What you don't expect.

Look carefully.
This was a great gif that wouldn't load, so I made still shots.
First you find it...

Then you dig it out...

And lift it out...

Take the covering off of it...

And you have a fresh 18" fish dinner.
And all your friends are giddy with excitement.
West African Protopterus Fish Sleeping in the Ground.

I think I am, therefore I am...I think.


Here's the website for the article:


Joe calderone said...

If you want to be a 1999 Ford Focus, be the best 1999 Ford Focus you can be.

Anonymous said...

Loved your performance at the 2011 vmas joe! Lol I would be so happy if I had the same name as a lady Gaga persona. Shits awesome man.

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