About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 10, 2017

FRIDAY #3001

One Of My Very Own...

Jackie DeShannon - Put A Little Love In Your Heart

If you would like to avoid hemorrhoids, do not spend more time on the toilet than absolutely necessary. That means no reading or checking out you messages. If you don't trust me on that, look it up. Just Google "Excessive toilet sitting - hemorrhoids." You will be amazed.


Silver Star recipient, Leigh Ann Hester, American, born 1982, awarded for gallantry in combat against the enemy on 20 March 2005.

A liberal woman at a Trump rally...
Can you spell excessive drama, children?

This woman deserves respect.

A day without women...

I was asked what I thought of women not going to work today. I replied, "You mean the way things were when I was your age?"

Quietly passed a milestone recently...3000th post.
And to celebrate I thought I would show you my blog creation environment.


From Boing Boing:
"Donald Trump has been slow to fill administrative positions that require Senate confirmation (and thus public scrutiny), but he's quietly hired 400 "beachhead team" members "to serve as his eyes and ears at every major federal agency, from the Pentagon to the Department of Interior" -- a rats' nest of ex-lobbyists running agencies they used to lobby, campaign staffers being given cushy jobs, neo-nutjobs from the Breitbart depths who endorse birtherism and other, more exotic conspiracy theories, and a whole Mos Eisley Cantina's worth of scum and villainy."

(I think he meant "crazier than the last one.")


Well worth the read - Climate:

If video games actually influenced behavior you'd see a lot more people accidentally jumping in the air when they try to open doors.


The photographer who uses honey is back...

Money Lisa?
But the background is pre-painted. You can see it between the coins making up her upper right hairline. 

During wars, there are a lot of brass shell casings lying about...
In WWI they made are out of them.

The artist is Guido van Helten who has made a name for himself making large-scale public artworks in cities across Europe and the US.


We need to run the government like a business. Specifically a Quizno's with a bat infestation, staffed by emotionally unbalanced retirees.



Tonight I saw a truck spin out in a snowy Bojangle's parking lot, and honestly it was doing a much better job than our president.


Nor this one...

CARETAKER and CAREGIVER are not opposites.


First a cute repost...

Americans can legally manufacture an assault rifle for personal use without registering it, so Daniel Crowninshield figured his paying customers could push the button to start his milling equipment and claim they made the AR-15 themselves. Feds disagreed.


Every man does this. He just got caught...
On camera.
Nicknamed the Tully monster, the creature belongs to the ancient genus Tullimonstrum, and is thought to have inhabited the shallow coastal waters of muddy estuaries in the Eastern US around 300 million years ago. Only a single species, T. gregarium, is known, and fossils of the creature have only ever been found in the Mazon Creek fossil beds of Illinois. 
Tully Monster had fins like a cuttlefish, eyestalks like a crab, and a rather intimidating 'jaw-on-stick', and no one even knows if it was a vertebrate.

That is some "Final Destination" shit right here...
He was...tired.

A leaked secret report from the German security authorities claims that there are at least 5.95 million migrants in countries around the Mediterranean who are seeking to enter Europe. In Turkey alone, the report estimates there to be 2.93 million migrants who have set their sights on the benefits of being an asylum seeker in a western European country like Germany.
[verification needed]

Guys say they watch lesbian porn because "it's less gay" when, by definition, it's 100% more gay.


Elenco's Night 'n Day Mechanical Globe uses a system of translucent, exposed gears to rotate an internally illuminated globe that displays the seasonally adjusted, real-time night/day terminator as it spins.

I so appreciate that. They deserve to be praised.

Can of tuna...


If it bothers you when people don't like you, there is a simple solution: think about it until you're dead.


Oh, look, another case of mass hysteria...

Growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, this was a daily occurrence. I was told that according to the bible the blacks were inferior.

First and last day on the job...
Is this fake? Anyway, I know religion makes dealing with the death of a loved more tolerable...he is, after all, supping with the Lord.


It is a huge year for the poster board industry.


Don't be to quick to condemn those people. 



MacGyver said...

"He has bills to pay"...
William's, aka Bill's, toupée...

Anonymous said...

Lots of good stuff in today's post, Ralph. Keep up the good work.

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