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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

One of the most exciting soccer games I've ever had the privilege to watch....and I made tons of money.

The man can't seem to help stepping all over his own dick.

Yeah, it's about this point I'm glad the national reserve in India shoots poachers dead on sight.

I read that a court somewhere has ruled that corporate policy of women wearing high heels was not to be allowed. I call that progress.

Speaking of the human rectum...
Coming to an airport near you.
TSA's new "pat-downs" are so invasive, airports are preemptively warning cops to expect sexual assault claims.



Dr. Mikhail Kogan, Medical Director at the Center for Integrative Medicine at George Washington University. Kogan says that the best absorption of weed's attributes is best attained when one inserts it in the rectum.


Whoever decided on spelling "biscuit" really needs to get their shuit together.


What's Winnie The Pooh's favorite color? I'll give you a minute to think about it.



Roadtrip reading.
Every time my friends and I would go on a poker playing, strip club visiting, beer swilling trek, we would always buy a few of those at our first pit stop and take turns reading articles.

That reminds me of one of my all time favorite cartoons where a guy invented a dog translation helmet, and when he walked down the street all the dogs were saying was, "Hey."

Spring is just around the corner.
I have made bets on the weather here in South Carolina. I bet that it won't get down to 32 degrees again this winter. The other is that there will bee no more snow or ice storms. We shale see.

It must be awkward to pass this sign while a hitchhiker is already in your car. 



Read in Bill Murray's voice when he tells his brother the name of the boat in Trivial Pursuit.
"Yellow, Gentle Reader. Pooh's favorite color is...yellow."


God I'm a sucker for the absurd.

On a gas pump...


Judge: Sir, need I remind you that you are under oath?
Goldfish defendant: Yes.


Young Frida

Yes there is a human person in there.

These guys came from Australia and climbed the Nose of El Capitan. 

This is the amount of equipment required.


Team building.
I detested shit like that in the workplace.

The rider in second almost followed the guy.

Can you imagine anyone being against this kind of happiness?

This guy has seen and done some shit to ISIS.
A sniper of the PMU with his well worn Steyr HS-50 with Schmidt & Bender scope.

If you think this is impressive, you ought to hear her.
She nailed Betty Boop

Shout out to girls that have a relationship with prisoners. At least they always know where they man be at.


Gardening In America
Notice the cartridges flowing from that thing. Jesus!

Practicing sutures in a pig foot.
I met a guy who practiced on potatoes...the skin tearing much more readily. Now they have cheap synthetic skin.

Man Shoots Deer That Had Been Shot Before.
And the rib bones grew around the arrow shaft.
Can we assume the first hunter was in a tree stand, thus explaining the angle of the arrow?
And I wonder how far he followed that deer waiting on it to fall.

I have recommended this movie to a hundred people and every single one of them thanked me.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil 

Please be a donor.

MP5 22lr Tracer fun

The Milky Way is about 100,000 light years in diameter, whereas the IC 1101 is 6million light years in diameter with over 100 trillion stars.

Please, can't we as a civilized nation get over all this trust in herbs and snake oil?

What a delightful photo.

No, not witches...
"The ducking - or cucking - stool was a women's punishment in England, Scotland, and other places from the 14th through the 18th century. They were used to punish "common scolds," which were literally just women who didn't act the way society wanted them to act."
Goddamn, my wife would have lived in that thing.

Trump vinyl troll doll

My wife cleaned out the top of her closet...


This is what every white person does right before they say, "You did what..."

Me:Siri, why don't I have any friends?
Siri:*shows me my Google search history*
M:Dear god.


Would someone please try to explain why we shouldn't give a shit about this? I discuss it often and have only found a handful of people who knew congressmen and women don't have to follow the rules they make us follow.

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