About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 13, 2017

MONDAY #3004

One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Amazing Grace

Trump quotes on misogynistic old magazine ads

Please don't do this.

You must realize I have no idea what that means without a reference to the blog. Thank you.

All my clocks are finally right again.

If you think your genetics are your own personal beeswax, think again. Amidst all the hoopla surrounding the Affordable Care Act this week, the House GOP quietly pushed forward a bill – HR 1313 – that would make it legal for employers to demand genetic testing from workers. Workers who refuse could be penalized for thousands of dollars.
As you can see, my wife tried very hard to capture the snow storm in my backyard on film.

But just trust me, the snow was falling in flakes as big as a quarter. It was beautiful, but, of course, I lost the first weather bet I've ever made. Pity, that.



The flyer...

From Craigslist...and I thought worth the read...

Raisins are like grape jerky.


Greenland shark may live 400 years, smashing longevity record.
“Astonishing.” That’s what scientists are saying about the life span of the Greenland shark, which new research reveals can live more than 400 years. The downside? Females aren’t ready to reproduce until they hit the ripe age of 156.

Is death really the end? Not for some genes.
This spooky story revealed that hundreds of genes turn on after an animal dies—and many are still active days after death. Even more disturbing, some of these genes are involved in sculpting a developing embryo.

In China they burn debris off of power lines with a flame throwing drone...
The phrase "Flame throwing Drone" makes my dick get hard.

I did watch this...
As I recall, when it came time to price it, the host just said it was priceless...a national treasure that should be in the Smithsonian. 

We've all done it with the style car we buy, and after purchase we see them everywhere.


26-inch thick armor from Japanese Yamato class battleship, pierced by a US Navy 16-inch gun. The armor is on display at the US Navy Museum.


The Jurassic Park movies have made us fear dinosaurs all over again, but just how threatening was the infamous Tyrannosaurus rex?
This story, concerning 66-million-year-old tracks found along an ancient shoreline in Wyoming, reveals that the beast may not have been able to run faster than 8 kilometers (or 5 miles) per hour. That’s slower than a middle-aged power walker, so with a bit of spring in your step, you probably could have avoided becoming a dino’s dinner.

Venezuela sent their best skier to the world championships. 
[verification needed]

My wife reads recipes the same way I read science fiction...well, that ain't never gonna to happen.


If you think about it just right, all milk is breast milk.

She wears them well.



I think they should do this everywhere possible - elevators, electrical panels, etc.

M&Ms Dissolving: Satisfying or Terrifying?

Looks like my Bubba Teeth.

Insect bedewed...

What a way to go...

And let's not forget these wonderful fellows...
Look carefully.

This looks like the exact guy I would expect to be slicing a giant meat log.



Those are his feet. 





Said to be from the premier of 50 Shades of Gray...

Speaking of...

Do you think a Vampire has ever been so remorseful that he said, "I can't look myself in the mirror anymore."



Ninja Grrrl said...

I believe anonymous was correcting one of your pictures so that it says 86 genders.

Anonymous said...

it was a joke laugh

Ralph Henry said...

You are one funny sumbitch, Anon.

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