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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

SUNDAY #3003

One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

You Was Born To Die - BLIND WILLIE McTELL (1933) Blues Guitar Legend

"Can't help stepping on his own dick."
Write that shit down. It might come in handy.

A teacher once accused me of plagiarism. 
His words, not mine.


These are the types of regulations that need to be curtailed. The EPA gets to make its own laws...no discussion in Congress, no vote, no nothing. 
Do I want clean air and water, and safe working environments? Of course. But these agencies need much more oversight.


Oh, shit...
I know, little buddy. I know. 

Let's work on a cruise ship. 
It will be fun they said.


He actually looks pretty damn good in it...

Let's play What Will She Do With This Thing...
But with no choices. You just guess.

Do you have any idea how many times a man has farted on his wallet?


PTSD Service Dog
When the guy gets nervous the dog gets this funny look.

And call it Daesh goddamnit.

Be like the Dandelion. 

Can you spot the culprit?




How extraordinary.
Modern icon; old world stitchery; tattoo. Wow. 

Tigers found their new toy!

Young Aussie boy wrangles 6' python from under the family car.

The Mysterious Gotland Grooves
Scattered throughout the island of Gotland, in the middle of the Baltic Sea, are thousands of stones with strange grooves or furrows cut into its smooth, hard surface. The grooves always occur in groups, cut side by side and are of varying length, width and depth.
At first glance, it appears as if someone had been sharpening their axes or swords on them. That was the general opinion when the grooves were widely reported in the mid-19th century. Consequently, the grooves were called "sharpening stones". But soon scholars began to have doubts about their origin, since the shape and size of the grooves made them unfit for sharpening swords. Someone pointed out that stone-age swords, and even those from the Middle Ages and Viking Age, were too wide to fit into the grinding grooves.

I just finished an autobiography of a magician: 
"I came, I sawed, I conquered." 


That didn't turn out anywhere near where I thought it was going.


Watched a stupid sci-fi flick and this is how they aimed their weapons.
Notice that neither of them can sight through the scope...

And to do it right, you have to have technical advisors and this next film had a slew of them.
Saving Private Ryan Behind The Scenes

Would like to know the stats on people killed per race...

"I'm looking for about 7 different guys that attended that party we were all invited to last month. I was the one in the giraffe costume with the assless chaps."

Pretty sure the term is "unisex."


Canadian who married an American and am now living in the US.

Saw this many moons ago and as I recall it didn't load.

Flash flood or rock slide? Notice that the side of the gully doesn't appear to get wet (darker).

Kid recovers sailboat after capsizing!

While we are reposting...

You ever called a child a cock blocker?


And not just using "naughty" words. We use the excuse of not wanting to make mom or grandma angry to justify so crazy shit. Can you imagine hearing for the first time at the age of 21 that in order to avoid burning under the ground forever you have to eat your savior's flesh and drink his blood. You would laugh in the person's face. But since it was your momma, it had to be true.
Sad that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Correction. *86

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