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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


Movie recommendation - Frailty


Even knowing that we live in the safest time in world history, we are STILL frightened.

That's a national disgrace. 


A young pizza delivery driver bought a $300 ticket to Madison Square Garden for the USC/Baylor basketball game. Drove all night to get there. Will stay with a friend. Was there to see us kick the holy shit out of Baylor.

I think that Russia should be denied hosting the World Cup in 2018 as punitive measure for invading the Ukraine.

March 24th marks the 16th anniversary of the famous Randy Johnson pitch.

Con Artist = Police Sketch Artist.






RIP Popular Photography, 1937-2017
Back then that was titillating.

MOSES: No way.
GOD: Yahweh.

Have you ever wondered what it's really like to be my age?

UberQuiet. You pay a little bit more but your driver never says a word to you.


Rabbit hole in Shropshire, England leads to 700 year old Knights Templar cave.


(I once woke up in the middle of one of those camera up your ass procedures. Hmmmmm.)

Ronald Drever, one of the architects behind the first detection of gravitational waves, has died aged 85.
The stretching and squeezing of space-time that occurs when massive objects accelerate (Gravitational waves) are a fundamental consequence of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, but the signal is extremely subtle. So subtle, Einstein himself thought the effect would simply be too small to be registered by any technology he could envisage.
But Drever, Weiss and Thorne pioneered the development of systems that would ultimately reach the required sensitivity.
How LIGO detected Gravitational Waves

Arpeggio, A Robotic Player Piano System That Flawlessly Plays the Instrument Like a Human.

This is the EM Drive, invented by Roger Shawyer in 1999.
The engine defies Newtons third law that states that every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. The same law that makes it impossible for you to lift a bucket that you are yourself standing in. But in November last year NASA published a peer-reviewed paper on their tests of the engine, which were designed to test whether or not it actually even works. According to said paper, it does indeed work, which is exciting since the engine doesn't use any propellant to produce forward thrust. What is equally exciting (to some, at least) is why it works.
We don't know it works. That doesn't mean physics is broken, or that Newton was wrong, only that we don't know why it works.. not yet, at least.



That's indeed wonderful news.

Good god!

Stretching the science here, but I didn't have anywhere else to put it.

5-in-1 Survival Flint Fire Starter Bracelet

And this is a bolt action rifle with a little swing open door on the bottom.

Inside there is a revolving cylinder very much like in a pistol. This one is without cartridges.

Always told my two kids that I love them both equally and the one with her shoes on the wrong feet totally bought it.




Their expressions speak volumes.

Balls the size of King Kong.
It's all fun and games until somebody loses a flip-flop.

Those bullets do not fit in that gun.
My buddy told me that each rifleman would tote just about as many belts for the 30 cal as he could. The longer they waited to start their patrol, the more bullets they pilled on.

You want to create a phobia, cause that's how you create a phobia.

More Chinese special effects...


South Park's Matt Stone and Trey Parker at the Oscars.


It's like campers and hikers don't understand that nature will come to you if you just stop mowing your lawn.


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