One Of My Very Own...
Who Do You Love
But, of course, everyone has an agenda.
I don't even know what that means.
Speaking of Britain...
This is how they fuck with a foe...
We don't even use the hated Daesh. Pity.
Mason Jar is a bar in New York City that is a magnet for Gamecocks fans. My brother-in-law was there to watch the Cocks smack down of Baylor last night.
Often discovered my 7yo wearing her underwear backwards. Playing classical music while pregnant is bullshit.
We all lie. It's a very handy tool for getting what we want.
Some lies we believe sound so ridiculous that most people can not understand how they could be taken seriously.
I have stated previously that I do understand how it helps in the grieving process.
But in Christianity, there are so many holes in the narrative that simply can't be adequately explained. Consider the belief that Grandma is waiting for you in heaven. When you get there you will recognize her.
Living with the thought that a dead love is still with you must be a powerful delusion...almost predictable in human evolution. Can't deal with an overwhelming lose? Just pretend they are still there. Perfectly understandable. You Mom is in heaven looking down on you? Okay. If it helps you cope with the inevitable death of our life cycle, then make something up to ease you through it. But please don't teach my child that.
But back to the rapture image above and you go to heaven naked, so when you get to heaven is the first thing you do is be issued a robe?
I have noticed that people with strong agendas lie the most. My internet sites are flooded with black pride "facts" like the following.
Wow. Those leave me speechless.
We are bombarded with misinformation for reasons that just seems silly.
(Hey, man, I was beating my kids LOOOOOOOONG before I ever got tattoos)
Now for the reason I made that post:
The system of information dissemination is not broken. It is doing precisely what it is meant to do. And that is to confuse you to the point of giving up...feeling like it is impossible to discern the truth because it is just too difficult. Think that plan is not effective? Explain the "controversy" of climate change...or vaccines. There are sides to those two issues who will claim that there is equal "proof" for the pro and con, which there certainly is not.
Believers in the Shroud of Turin will point to the lack of conclusive proof even after allowing it to be carbon dated, which proved it could not date from biblical times. The same could be said for those believing that we are visited by aliens regularly and that the moon landing was faked.
Presently, we have a president who is himself issuing false "news", further adding to our befuddlement. And with befuddlement we turn in desperation to the news sources that will only strengthen our present views.
Doctor: How long ago did you injure your shoulder?
Women: 9:45am on Monday at work.
Men: Sometime between yesterday and 2002.
It has since been reduced to 8.
Gloria Steinem, "A feminist can wear whatever the fuck she wants." (true)
Millions of Syrian children could be living in a state of "toxic stress" due to prolonged exposure to the horrors of war. The damage to an entire generation of children could soon become irreversible without immediate help.
"We regret nothing…"
- Those guards
It's true that Nike came up with a get up for these women.
Can't stone her if you can't catch her.
Are you easily amused? Do you even know if you are easily amused? Find out by watching this clip.
Every Time Nicolas Cage Loses His Shit In A Movie
Her: It's been light-years since I've had this much fun.
Teenage Me: Actually, a light-year is a unit of distance, not time.
(Why I never dated much #1)
Ben Eine (2016) - Göteborg (Sweden)
How wonderful.
But yet again it's in English. Would someone please take the time to explain that to me.
Skewed Photographic Landscapes by Aydin Büyüktas
That last one reminds me that a stone's throw from the University of South Carolina's football stadium there is a train assembly complex bigger than the one above. That it is within the city limits is perplexing enough, but that any train heading west or north has to travel directly through the city is completely, totally unbelievable.
An article in the local paper said that Columbia is only one of six cities that allowed long, long trains to interrupt traffic at all hours, including rush hour. I have waited for 17 minutes for a train to clear a crossing; caused due it not being able to get up to speed, being so close to the marshaling yard.
Bummer that.
Archaeologists from Egypt and Germany have found an 26ft statue submerged in groundwater in a Cairo slum that they say probably depicts revered Pharaoh Ramses II, who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.
Representing emotion in stone.
I'm impressed.
Moon globe from the 1700s
Preservation at its finest.
The lights are dimmed. Sexy music plays. She runs her fingers across my scar.
"I got that when I fell off the toilet," I whisper.
(Why I never dated much #2)
Let's play What Happens Next:
A. A dog attacks the child.
B. A dog attacks the mother.
C. The child flies through the air.
D. The mother flies through the air.
And...What is this?
Cabin Crew: The pilot & co-pilot are dead. Is there anyone on board who can fly the plane?
Harrison Ford: I can.
CC: Anyone else? Anyone else at all?
We're going to need a bigger boat.
Have You Ever Realized How Perfect The Design Of The Aluminum Can Is?
There were a lot of coins like this still in circulation in the late 60s when I was there.
What’s the best way to motivate a baby to crawl? Ask someone she adores to stand where she can see them, just out of her reach. Now imagine that the baby is a prehistoric fish, and her loved one is a teeming mass of mouthwatering bugs.

That’s the controversial theory published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: that the sight of the smorgasbord available on land inspired early vertebrates to grow legs and get out of the water.
Me: Some salmon travel hundreds of miles upstream just for the chance to spawn
Wife: Ok ok I'll take my shoes off.
I'll let this one speak for itself...
By jove I think he's smitten.
When my bartender reminds me that if I eat the hot dog I ordered it might spoil my appetite for the dinner my wife is preparing at home.
"Save the Liver" scene was hilarious.
In the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games, Nadia Comaneci, only 14 at the time, became the first gymnast in Olympic history to be awarded the perfect score of 10 for her performance on the uneven bars. She later went on to earn 6 more perfect 10's and five Olympic Gold Medals. Here is the routine that earned her that first perfect score.
Sorry for the split gif, it couldn't be made into a long one without the frame rate suffering.
C. The child flies through the air.
That was a tiny island in the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of Croatia.
The same friends who used to pressure me as a teen to drink & do drugs now pressure me as an adult to eat chia seeds & do crossfit.
I was in high school before I figured out I wasn't going to disappear from earth and end up in heaven. My church had the third Sunday night of the month dedicated to the book of revelations and end time prophecies. (Revelations is easily my favorite book of the Bible) Everyone is paranoid. It is really sad.
The lady in the hospital bed voted against Clinton because of the emails...sealing her fate for losing affordable health care.
I'm guessing that the man in the bed who no longer has health insurance coverage is supposed to be someone who voted for Trump because of the Clinton e-mail scandal.
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