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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Brian Kay performs "Herr Mannelig" (Sir Mannelig) on the OE Lyre.

And yet we do nothing.
You are going to have your browser information sold to the highest bidder. Your not worried? What if the guy in the next desk shows it to your boss because he wants your job. Or a candidate for mayor "leaks" his opponents entire file?
Or what if I just want some privacy like the constitution guarantees me?


Instead of giving Republicans a hard time for not passing Trumpcare, we should be thanking those Republicans who realized it was a piece of shit.


Minsk, Belarus. So-called Decree No.3, or the "parasite tax", has caused Belarusians take to the streets. According to this decree, every Belarusian, who has been unemployed for more than three months, must pay a tax; even some pensioners. The fee stands at 360 rubles (about $170).
One of the man arrested was 80 years old Ian Gryb. 
Riot policemen jumped on him and did not so much walk as they carried him. He was put into the armored vehicle along with the number of women, men, even one journalist. They took them from Yakub Kolas Square to the Philharmonic and stopped. There they began to transfer them to a different vehicle. The commotion ensured, people began to get out of the vehicle. One man, young and fast, jumped out and ran and the riot police ran after him. Taking advantage of the moment, Ian slipped out, walked deliberately slowly, even more slowly than usual, so that other policemen would not mind him and they did not.
Altogether, more than one thousand people were arrested.

The Russians are getting sick and tired of government corruption.

And all those people know that Putin simply murders leaders of events such as this. It has happened more than once.

And from London... 

This is that sabotaged ammo dump in the Ukraine?
I couldn't get any of the gifs of it to load, but I do remember a missile or something streaking out of it.

Are there a lot of first-person singular objective pronouns, or is it just me?


On the way to your honeymoon and he forgot the anal lube. 

I think we can all admit that American women are the hands down winner in the race to become the fattest motherfuckers on the planet.



This lady gave a very convincing talk about the non-existence of the wage gap between men and women.
"For the record? The "wage gap" is simply badly-read statistics. One cannot take (for one example of how twisted it is) total wages earned by men and women and divide them. That fails to consider (at the very least) the total hours worked by each group. Include that critical fact and the alleged "wage gap" practically vanishes. Plenty of other natural factors easily account for the rest.
Imagine if the wage gap were real? It would mean an international secret cartel of men (and only men) have been oppressing women for decades now and somehow ignoring all market forces in keeping their wages artificially lower than male wages.... why on Earth would they do that?"
Don't discount her argument until you listen to it:

That is funny for reasons I can't explain. Anybody?
(I did find a haunting hint from the site's comments section: "I mean she did blaze the trail for a whole new category on Pornhub, so she's a hero to me.")

"I think we can agree that most anti-vaccers are women," he said without a shred of evidence.

Here's one that could have fit into either of these categories...


When I find someones grocery list in a shopping cart I use it....see where it takes me.


And coming in a strong second place in the race for fattest sex...

Let's make up a story, shall we?
Give it a go and don't scroll down to peek at my entry.
Man was in jail, but got sick, so they took him to the hospital. He escaped and stopped by the closest store to buy clothes with the credit card he stole from the nurse's station.

Men do shit like this all the time just to be different...

Yeah, I used to do this also...
Tastes like chicken?


And here's what she is thinking...

The external cups were a good detail...like Superman.

That guy your girlfriend told you not to worry about...

The only time I ever apologize is when someone shows up at my house unannounced.


I do not want the government dictating what I eat, but I don't care about you getting directions. What I mean is, food stamps should be more like the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program whereby you can only buy good that is healthy for you. We already exclude tobacco and alcohol from food stamps, how hard could it be to exclude sodas and crap snacks? Remember the study that found 40% of free food stamp food is bullshit.

I have no idea if this is true, but I do know bitcoins have soared recently...
[verification needed]

Speaking of...

In a travel guide that featured the food that must be eaten in each state, my state had this:
South Carolina | Oyster Roast
Cooking oysters over an open fire while drinking a beer is a birthright of all South Carolinian.
You should always drape a water soaked burlap bag over those oysters. Trust me.

Not to be confused with the Montana Rocky Mountain Oysters, which ain't even the same species.
I sampled said oysters and did not find them to my liking. But the point is, I did give them a try.

I have asked black and white servers and every single one of them assures me that black people tip at about 5% if they tip at all.
And they wonder why they get slower service.
Hint: It's not racism.

“I’m starting to wish we’d never bought him that thing.”

No clue as to how to adequately explain this...


If I have learned anything from YouTube videos it is that any food with fire is a very, very dangerous combination.

The phrase "don't take this the wrong way" has zero percent success rate.


This skull belongs to 'Altamura man', a 180-130,000 year old Neanderthal skeleton found in the Lamalunga Cave, Italy.
Not long after falling into a sinkhole & dying while exploring the cave, the soft parts of the Neanderthals body decayed. The remaining skeleton was gradually covered in calcite precipitated from the saturated waters percolating through the rock from the rainy waters above.

The Compression Lift Principle - XB-70 Valkyrie
Compression Lift refers to an aircraft that uses shock waves generated by its own supersonic flight to produce lift. The drooping wingtips of the XB-70 Valkyrie allowed it to "capture" part of the shockwave to reduce its induced drag by 30%. This allowed the aircraft to exceed Mach 3 or over 2000 MPH.

Black Hole Gravitational Lensing

What kind of witchery is this?
In the initial position the rod is on two rolls rotating in opposite directions. Due to the initial position and uneven surfaces ideality frictional force (adhesion) with one of the rollers being larger, with the rod entrained between them, it will begin translational motion along its axis. As it moves toward the second shaft the rod is under the action of its gravity, exerting greater pressure so that at some point in time will lose adhesion to the first shaft, and therefore begins to move in the opposite direction under the action of a second shaft.

Tesla Mobile Tire Service Van
What a wonderful idea. The mountain to Mohammed so to speak.


Take a quick guess as to what this is.
Tiny crack in steel seen through an electron microscope.

"In 2009, the Library of Congress commissioned a research report into the degradation ofCD-ROMs in storage as a way of assessing the integrity of the media in its collection: the news isn't pretty. Your old CD-ROMs are probably rotting."

I asked my computer guru PhD son-in-law about that very thing. I wondered if a external hard-drive, thumb drive or CD would be best to store copies of my book. He told me the good old fashioned hard copy stored in a dry place; reminding me of the existing Gutenberg Bibles for example.

For lent I gave up drinking wine straight from the plastic bag out of the box.


Where's Waldo?
Believe it or not, I found it!
The way I found it was to move the image to my desktop, then double clicked it to open it. 
In that window there were these options and I +enlarged to the max. Then I just moved it around until I found it. Only took 9 hours and 37 minutes.

Had this been anyone else we might consider that a pretty good photograph.
Note the repeated arch shape starting with the wheel, the man (torso and legs), the arch and the half another arch. It also evokes, at least to me, great determination and power. 

On a related subject here are the faces of the boys that did the dirty work.

Transparent padlock and lock picking tools.

It's a transparent padlock that lets you see the inner workings as you poke them with lock picking tools. The lock is $10 and the lock pick tool kit (hidden in a fake credit pouch to fool the law!) is $3.

I did not know that. But mostly they are all poor.

There is no excuse for you not to be an organ donor. I'll even go farther, I have no qualms of having organ markets where you sell all or part of your organs to help someone else.

Somehow that just don't seem right to me.
[verification needed]

Carrie Poppy is one half of the Oh No Ross and Carrie podcast, a skeptical look at fringe science and paranormal claims whose hosts distinguish themselves by their compassionate, open-minded approach to their subjects, fueled in part by their upbringing in evangelical Christianity, a faith they've both since renounced.
Worth the listen:




Ferd Berfel said...

I agree on the wage gap article. Though, if the wage gap were true why wouldn't companies hire all women?? They would cut costs by up to 25%.

Ninja Grrrl said...

When my son was little and it was just the two of us, I worked full time and qualified for food stamps. I don't like the idea that someone else would get to tell me that my baby never got any special treats because the government had decided he didn't deserve to eat snack food, that it is reserved for people with money. A lot of the recipients of food stamps are single mothers with children,and I'm not good with taking cookies from poor kids. And as far as food stamp food being free, I worked for over 20 years paying taxes before I needed help. I paid for 20 years to finally reap the great benefit of $120-$150 a month to feed myself and my son. And then other people want to judge my grocery choices? There has to be some small joy somewhere.

Ralph Henry said...

Dearest Ninja,
Do you actually believe that I want deny children cookies? How about oatmeal/raisin or something else healthy?
What I do see is grotesquely obese women and children on food stamps. I can only assume they are eating the wrong kinds of food. This adds to their medical problems which I can only assume is also paid for by me and you.

Ninja Grrrl said...

I think you're drawing a rather sweeping conclusion from limited experience. There are plenty of obese people who aren't on food stamps, too. There are so many hoops to jump through to get the benefits you need, I don't think we need more regulation there. And no, I don't imagine you'd want to take cookies from kids, and I've seen obese parents making poor food choices for their children, too, but I don't think the government needs to be all up in our grocery carts.

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