About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Tony Bennett

There is a petition on whitehouse.gov to reinstate the FCC's broadband privacy rules.



It was 20 years ago this week, March 20-26, 1997, that 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult “graduated” from this life to ascend to the UFO mothership that they believed would take them to an extraterrestrial paradise. 
But at their core, how different are the motivations of the Heaven’s Gate members from those today who believe that a heavenly paradise awaits them through a dramatic suicide?
Consider the final words of the 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, penned in a suicide note found in his luggage that he left in his rental car before flying into the World Trade Center building: “Know that the gardens of paradise are waiting for you in all their beauty, and the women of paradise are waiting, calling out, ‘Come hither, friend of God.’”


Researchers may have found something that helps: a computer program that very quickly flashes images of whatever it is that freaks you out. While the images go by so fast that you don’t consciously recognize what you’re seeing, your brain processes the pictures and becomes slightly less afraid. 


That's our guy!

Can you imagine the reaction 20 years ago if you showed people a photo album filled with pictures you took of yourself in the bathroom?


The extraordinary life of Maud Allen: Seductive US dancing girl who was sued for being too lewd, outed as a lesbian, and fled London after being branded a German spy who was sleeping with the prime minister's wife. 

Market Street, San Francisco after the earthquake, 1906.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

1943 : Breast Protectors for War Workers

Mae Questel ca. 1930’s, the voice of Betty Boop and Olive Oyl, Minnie Mouse, Felix the Cat (for three shorts by the Van Beuren Studios), 
Little Lulu, Little Audrey and Casper, the Friendly Ghost. 

Very Young Lucy Lucille Ball around 1930

[Commercial for the Pogo Stick]
"Have you ever seen the inside of an E.R.? Want to?"



(or so I'm told)


When you really get down and think about it, you have about a 1 in 100 chance yours is the true god.


It really bothers me about how many people detest their jobs. I watched a dozen or so clips of this very thing...

I feel the same way about bad jobs as I do about bad marriages. Just move the fuck on. This is the only life you are going to get and it's up to you...YOU...not to be miserable.

It was stated that it even more alarming in NYC where it's a felony.


Why don't you solve your own goddamn problems and just leave me out of it?

"With Obama's federal government reducing the role of private prisons in the incarceration of Americans, companies like Corrections Corporation of America (now known as Corecivic) and GAO aggressively moved into providing detention facilities for people awaiting deportation, like the 2,000,000+ people deported under the Obama administrations." 
[verification needed]

"A team from the University of Twente and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences have published a paper demonstrating gross over-billings by smart energy meters, ranging from -32% to +582% of actual power consumption."

This person used DIY braces. The torque that was applied to the teeth causes teeth to move in the bone, compression, tension, bone remodeling etc.

And just because this seemed to fit here...

Looking far too relaxed during huge storm on a cruise ship.
Did you watch enough to see it COVER THE WHOLE WINDOW?!

"Oh sure. Go down bout a mile, left at the store that's not there anymore, & past the big tree. Can't miss it."
- every gas station attendant


This is me when I win my bets when Barcelona kicks the holy shit out of an opponent.

We all love tamales.

Are you happy to see me or is that a baseball glove in your pocket?
That is one proud motherfucker.

This is the way he leaves the rest of us...


Speaking of...


(Logic need not apply)

The exact expression I got when the wife asked me if I ever think of other women when we are having sex.

I feel like movies exaggerate men’s enthusiasm for having meaningful conversations while playing pool.


That was from the movie "Eyewitness" with many big name stars...1981...an eternity ago.
There was that Alien lady and the Sound of Music guy...

A mere baby...

That guy in the movie Michael...

And that Woods guy...

And even that God guy...

Called AA by mistake, those drunks can't change a tire for shit.


The size of the Phoenix Cluster black hole represented visually in a gif with our sun for scale meant to make you feel worthless and insignificant....again.
I don't know why, but I find that frightening.

No idea what they are making, but they look good at making it...

NASA messing around with miniature rover technology.

High winds force cancellation of the 109 km Cape Tour Cycle Race.

I decided to have two children because that way if one doesn't happen to be screaming there's always another around to pick up the slack.


Because we all feel powerless to protest...just like it was planned to be.


Anonymous said...

it's certaily possible heterosexuals are mentally ill.

Anonymous said...

Researchers may have found something that helps: a computer program that very quickly flashes images of whatever it is that freaks you out. While the images go by so fast that you don’t consciously recognize what you’re seeing, your brain processes the pictures and becomes slightly less afraid.

Researchers just got around to watching A Clockwork Orange? That movie is like 40 years old.

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