About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Leo Kottke- Sonora's Death Row


Some of you secretly don't like me, but I secretly know and don't give a shit.


Send prudes. 

 Had a spontaneous bukkake party last night. Everybody came. You should have seen my wife's face.

Alternative meaning:


Lady's costume she said hardly anyone understood.



You know what's cheaper than therapy? Admitting you're batshit crazy and running with it. 


Chinese children competing in a chess tournament in Shenyang. 
 There is something arty about the grid formed by the students; the grid of the huge chessboard; and the upturned grid of the windows in the building.

The stick figure is the logical solution to the problem of depicting the human body.

I taught all my second graders to start the figure with a rectangle, otherwise there are no shoulders. I would illustrate this by giving them a minute or two to draw me standing in front of the class, then I would hold a head-sized vase on my shoulder and ask them to add it to their drawing. 
The images below are a quantum leap above the last image.

Once you really start looking with your eyes instead of your brain, this caliber work becomes possible.
 BTW that image makes me wet.

Mural in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

I looked all over for camouflage clothes but I couldn't find any.


Megalodon shark teeth found on the beach
My friend found one that big in a creek bed in the middle of the state. His was black. I think that might be the difference between the actual tooth and the fossilized tooth. Anyone?

"This micro hydro turbine works in wind too!  Here's a preliminary test in a light breeze." 

"In the early 1960s, an influential but little-known (today) firearms designer by the name of Robert Hillberg came up with an idea for a cheap-but-effective armament for the masses. With encouragement from DARPA, the Winchester company took up manufacture and development of the design, under the name "Liberator"."
 "The guns were initially planned to be made almost entirely as magnesium castings, with steel liners in the barrels, with a total cost of about $20 per gun. They would use prepackaged 4-round ammunition packets as well, rather than standard individual shotgun shells. By the time production was actually begun, however, the design had been altered to a break-action system using regular shells - the prepackaged quad-cartridges proved too difficult to perfect. So the production Mark II guns used conventional shells with a break-open action."

A Las Vegas-based company called SPI has a color night vision sensor called the X27. The ultra-sensitive sensor is able to shoot both ordinary images during the day, as well as its color night vision images at night.



"Your research team has found a prehistoric virus preserved in the permafrost and isolated it for study. After a late night working, you’re just closing up the lab when a sudden earthquake hits and breaks all the sample vials. Will you be able to destroy the virus before the vents open and unleash a deadly airborne plague?"
That is much too confusing. I suggest you watch the first part of this, then pause it while you attempt to solve it. Good luck.

What gif the g in gif is silent?


For sale, one of the CIA's torture-jets
For four years, N313P, a modified Boeing 737 bizjet, flew people who'd been kidnapped by the CIA to secret torture-camps; it's only got 5,942 hours on it, and sports a customized seven-tank fuel reserve for long-haul flights. It's yours for a mere $27.5M.


Smiling Cheerfully After Beating Vet to Death

Without deer hunters, events like that would happen a dozen times a day.


Why you should never, ever try to kiss a turtle.

Farmers from Tamil Nadu demonstrating in New Delhi, India. The region is hit by a severe drought. 
So, are we to assume that do-style is supposed to make it rain? Good fucking luck.

Palestinian fisherman doing their best to avenge Steve Irwin.
"We didn't do shit!" Manta rays probably. Since Steve Irwin was killed by a Sting ray.

At first I thought this was a video game...


Russian propaganda claims that Putin has support of around 85% of Russians. Almost every day you can see in the evening news Putin meeting some people. Internet users reviled that there are special people (I think KGB agents) that play commoners in pictures and on videos with Putin.
On the first photo Putin with fishermen from the north of Russia, and on the next photo similar people playing roles of Putin close friends and family members.
 On the next image you can see the same people playing different roles.
 And here again

Does. Not. Compute.

Mom accidentally buys NSFW throw pillows.
It's like the masculine version of a Georgia O'Keeffe painting.

South Korean soldiers practicing for war with American troops in Pohang, South Korea.

It was more a gesture than a threat, I'm guessing.

Fishing: Perfect for when you want to relax but still murder something.

Let's keep this Memory Foam mattress alive a bit longer...

Lead me not into temptation. Oh, who am I kidding. Follow me, I know a shortcut.


 Sound familiar?

1 comment:

Robin said...

The ladies costume is I think based on Mrs. Mia Wallace, in Pulp Fiction, played by Uma Thurman. Brilliant film, but you have to watch many times to get some of the subtleties.

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