About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 16, 2017

FRIDAY #3099

One Of My Very Own...

I have several dozen next generation art installations ready for the road
 I included a green army man and a playing card that I assume is Islamic.

I was also given a deck of cards from some damn place. 
Those ought to confuse the shit out of people.


"After 17-year-old Neomar Lander was killed last week during a protest, the government claimed that he had mishandled an improvised explosive device he was planning to use against troops. Maduro opponents say National Guard troops shot him in the chest with a tear-gas canister."

"The censorship has become greater each day... HELP US FIGTH THAT! share our story with the world."

You can tell by the eyes that these young people are highly motivated.
"IM NOT A TERRORIST, NOR AM I A RIOTER, I'm a regular guy like you: a graphic designer who loves freedom, the internet, nudes, cat pics, doggers pics, the occasional pornstar pic and the RIGHT TO ENJOY LIVE...  I'M currently fighting for all of that! ............. wouldn't you?"

These people are back together for a charity match.

With every "alternative group" you come across inventing words to describe themselves, I just found out people like me have been "assigned" CIS. I don't even know what that means, but I think it only fair that people like me be given the curtesy to coin our own new word for ourselves. I suggest "Procreator." Or "Father." Or maybe UAD for "Used As Designed."

I enjoy mowing my expansive lawn.
- Said no man ever


When I hear my wife telling my buddy's wife how "kinky" and "adventurous" our sex life is.

Stay safe, my friend.




None of us are here for a long time, but we can sure as shit be here for a good time. And if you are not having a good time, you are doing it wrong.


That's my idea of a fidget spinner.

Imagine if body parts like ears or noses or little fingers regularly grew forty time the average size.



Please don't think you can learn how to rub a clit from porn. Porn clit rubbing looks like they're trying to scrub burnt food off a frying pan.


A wonderful illustrated science lesson that was too long for this blog.




Hose vs Wasps
At first I thought that said "Hoes vs Hornets" but that version is okay...I guess.

Robot Wrestling - in case you haven't seen anything cool as shit today.

This young fellow designed a combination solar/wind turbine.
One of the problems with solar is that when the panels get heated they lose effectiveness. This solves that.

I would think the round one would be more efficient. 

What a great defense.
I bet that scares the holy shit out of predators. Like he's a wizard or some such shit.

I would try to break my record every damn day.

I didn't know that, although I have seen my dogs do that a hundred times.

All back issues of Omni magazine now available online:

Yes, there is such a thing as afterburner cam.

I wonder if this would foil facial recognition programs.

You can learn how to do dishes from porn.


The happiness of knowing you probably won't die soon. Those children are now as old as I am and they remember that day like it was yesterday.

This is an island where everybody is related to a shipwreck survivor.
Note: I lost almost all my notes on this whole post through a stupidity issue involving my save button. I don't recall where this island is but I'm thinking somewhere in Scotland.

To repeat one of my favorite stories...
When my old friend was a child she asked her mother why it was that they were Scotch/Irish yet had black hair. Her mother said, "Not all the sailors in the Spanish Armada drowned."




A hotel room in the Swiss Alps with no walls.
The Emperor's New Clothes - Hotel edition.

Some people give urinals a whole lot of thought.

This one actually plays music.

My wife when defending her political position of Facebook.

Be prepared, indeed.
The only thing you must know is SOS. Learn it. Three long, three short over and over.

The perfect kabob...
Low tech, cheap but very effective.

Where does the penis bone go after your boner goes away? I'm asking for a friend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have SOS backward: "S" is three short and "O" is three long. Not that it really matter if you think about it.

Keep up the good work.

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