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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 30, 2017

FRIDAY #3113

One Of My Very Own...

The small black dot in the upper left corner is the planet Mercury passing in front of the sun.
An interesting side note is that sun is 36 million miles behind Mercury.

Welcome back Russia. It's been far too long.

If you put something off for so long that you no longer need it, is it procrastination or is it a solution?


They must get a lot of American tourists.

I hope you can read this.
Is common sense even allowed anymore? She must have had a great mother and, probably, grandmother.

This guy ranks right up there with that actress..
"Doin' what I please."
Coping nicely.


Best nose in the game...

You might have to watch this more than once.
If you are a long time viewer, you know that fast tires zooming around is a much bigger problem than I would have thought.

When after 15 years I finally gave my wife an orgasm and she asked how I did it.

I'm all for forcibly baptizing aliens - Space Crusade!!

Heavy Metal granddad.

"Here's your arm I took as a souvenir."
"Hahahahaahahaahhaah. You leave now."

Glad to be alive.
Charred fishing rod from the lightning strike.



Why I have not thought of this?

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Ever find yourself admiring a stranger's veins?


Even in Little League we knew that the third baseman called out who was to catch the ball.


In case anyone was wondering, the staff told him his seat belt wasn't fastened (as a prank) just before he was launched.

There is no way to adequately express how I loathe people who constantly say "And you know what?" That two word bullshit above is the same thing. It's called milking the conversation and it's unneeded and extremely irritating. 

Adulthood is realizing that there are no grown-ups and everybody is just winging it.



I know you've all seen this, but it deserves a rerun from time to time.

Assault with a deadly weapon and, maybe, attempted murder. All because you were insulted.


You have to love such exuberance.

I threw an autistic kid's fidget spinner out the window and I don't even feel bad about it.


I like this guy's work very much.


A little medieval humor.
Sometimes everyone just likes to fuck around.

Special forces? A battalion of retards?


Overexposure to insecticides has bred resistance in head lice, making it harder than ever to treat infestation. The situation is different in Europe, where they've stopped using insecticides to kill lice and nits and use synthetic oils.

It's that time of year again.

All these are along the river where the bears can be seen fishing or playing
Brooks Falls
River Watch
Lower River

Is that normal? How can that be part of evolution?

Damn. That's GOT to hurt like hell.

Another snake regurgitating prey to defend itself.

I think this is the first GIF of that that I could get to load.
That's extraordinary.

The collar tells me it's tame.
The look on the guy's face tells me otherwise.

(some reposts are still worthy)

The good thing about tea is you can drink it at work. The good thing about Jack Daniels is that it looks like tea.


How very, very silly. People actually believe the creator of the universe demands this bull shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If your chalk outline isn't holding a beer Ralph I got you lol.

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