About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


One Of My Very Own...



I wanted Portugal, but the flip of the coin gave me Chile. I took on all comers even though I had the underdog. After double overtime my Chilean goalie blocked three Portugal penalty kicks IN A ROW. Sweet victory. Tomorrow (now your today) it's Mexico/Germany and for some odd reason I'm pulling for Mexico just to keep the final game participants in the American Hemisphere. Silly, that.

My wife always introduces me as "I'm sorry, he's not usually like this."


This used to drive me up the wall.

But it's called "Unicase" and it's a thing.
Designers have a license to do whatever they deem appropriate when creating a logo.

Trencher Machine

They could have sure used that trencher thing here...
The Star Fort In Netherlands

Argon at -189.4 degrees Celsius (-308.8 F), its freezing point.

These are the fossils discovered in Morocco that pushed back origin of Homo sapiens by 100,000 years.

Skyshield air defense battery shoots down a JT-240 drone.

2.7 billion light years away, in a dormant galaxy, scientists saw something spectacular. A rare event that Supermassive Black Holes only undertake once every 10,000 years or so. Eating stars.

People find it hard to maintain eye contact when talking, possibly because the dual task of maintaining eye contact while also racking the brain for a word is just too demanding, so the brain pushes for breaking eye contact to focus exclusively on finding a word that will fulfill the obligation.

Edible gold is something I didn't know existed.
By the way, gold can be hammered out to a mere 5 atoms thick and maintain its integrity. 


Trinity College Library, Dublin
Imagine the knowledge in that one room.

More people kill themselves than die in vehicle accidents?
EDIT: In response to some of the expected comments, these numbers are from the UK. Calm down.

Killer whales go through menopause to avoid competition with their daughters. This sheds light on why menopause exists at all.

Imagine being hundreds of feet up in the air in a hammock surrounded by mountains and natures beauty and you're reading a fucking newspaper.
I think they are all tethered to the cable so they can't "roll out of bed." But do you think they get out there and back to land by being pulled? And what happens when you need to take a shit?

This is my idea of seeing the same scenery.

"The Shining" is my favorite documentary about what happens when you don't have an Internet connection.


'Geez that rock almost hit me!!!.... 

Dad Bod Swimsuits are here.

Well, shit.

"Take the cuffs off tough guy..."

There were half dozen clips showing this goat terrorizing a town.
It knocked two people off a motorcycle.


When you stabilize the action scenes in Star Trek...

How martyrdom works...
I think that since she retired, 90% of what my wife does is walk around the house and hide my stuff.



People with creative personalities see the world differently. New studies find that the creative tendencies of people high in the personality trait 'openness to experience' may have fundamentally different visual experiences to the average person.




The men are part of the artwork, but it brings up an interesting point. If you are a person who paints graffiti like that and you put a huge piece of your art on the side of your own property. Let's further suppose that when you got ready to sell that property you find out that your artwork lowered the value of your investment. Would you remove your artwork to put another $10,000 in your pocket?

 Alcohol increases the size of the send button by 89%.


While building a new branch bank, they put up a trailer to conduct business in. Interesting they had first poured a huge, deep concrete foundation for the vault, then lifted the trailer and places it down so as the vault was in them middle. 
So, when the building was finished my partner and I bought the trailer for next to nothing and after moving turned it into a bar. We used the bank's counter as the bar proper after removing the top part. We named it The Bank and it was well known that a call to the wife with a "I'm going to stop by the bank on the way home," brought little or no questions.
I think that is the case with the bar above. Stating I'm still at the office really wasn't a lie.





(did you get that?)

When the waiter pours your wine and you have to do the taste test thing like you don't chug wine from a bag in a box at home.


Just crackin' open a cold war with the boys...
Never forget the power of the citizens when they band together.

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