About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 19, 2017

MONDAY #3102

One Of My Very Own...

I don't go camping anymore, but once I lost WiFi and looked outside and saw a tree.


D-Day by the numbers...

That reminded me of the immortal words of an islander survivor after the tsunami: "I had nothing, now I lost everything."

Always cut the line with the tip of the loaded brush.
I can cut a pencil line so that half that line is still visible. Honest. They used to say I could cut a line so sharp it could cut you.
That brush is a little thick for my taste. I like a brush that comes to a point when you load and wipe it. They are called "Cut Brushes" and I still own some that I bought in 1975.


This is how he gets up and down.

Removing wax remainders and foam from fresh honey.
Just in case my beekeeping nephew didn't know that.

Owl swimming in a canyon.
I wonder if he did that purposefully like a bird bath or if he made an error and had to save himself.



I know you've seen this before, but bear with me.
I noticed that the wave of change speeded up considerably on the return trip, and it got me thinking. What if instead falling bricks, we had lasers. And instead of falling they were timed to flash one time. Now imagine that the time between flashes between one laser and the other was faster than it would take light to travel from the first laser to the other. Forget about the few inches in that illustration, what if the lasers were say a mile apart and the two flashes were time one trillionth of a second apart (or half the speed it would take a photon to travel from one laser to the other) . Further imagine that there was thousands of these lasers lined up through space. If they were all timed in that extra-fast interval, then the collective movement of the wave would appear faster than the speed of light. Wouldn't it?

He probably graduated magma cum laude.

Holy shit!

I watched a long clip about this guy painting on a wall in a gallery. I was impressed.
His website:


Bruce Springsteen does the same thing.

They put it right next to the Starbucks.

Another look at John McColgan's famous wildfire picture.

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, Why the long face, and the horse said So when I'm eating prairie grass I can see predators.


Everybody at a family gathering put $5 in a pool of when the last family would arrive.
(did I already post that? whatever)

Well, good for you. I'm sure your mothers are proud.


That sumbitch goes Commando like me!

Nudist NASCAR race and be the safest ever.


We always hurt the ones we love to hurt.


The robots are coming, and $15/hour mandates from some states is one of the reasons for it.
It's called shooting yourself in the foot.

See anything odd about this image?

The 10 students in the group exchanged obscene images and memes "mocking sexual assault, the Holocaust, and the deaths of children."
I wonder if they could have avoided punishment if they had just titled their posts "Things you are forbidden to laugh at?"

It's been said that according to studies 80% of people masturbate and 20% are liars.

I'm hoping this is a joke, but I've read legit Christian literature that is similar.
Making young people feel guilty over something so primal, is just cruel.

True Story: While touring Biltmore House my mother had an embarrassing brain fart. The guide explained that Mrs. Biltmore did not get along with one of her sons and he was only allowed in the house after calling, giving the mother time to be elsewhere. Standing in a crowd of fellow tourists my mother stated, "Maybe she wasn't sure he was hers." 

Biltmore House is a pretty cool tour. 

I was within 5 feet Napoleon's chess set,

I had no idea they could do this.

Indianapolis - Come for the race, stay because you are under house arrest.

Beth Thomas was an adopted child. By the age of 6 she had killed a nest of baby birds, tortured a dog, fondled her grandpa, bashed her little brother's head on the concrete trying to kill him, and had plans to murder her whole family. Some said she was demon possessed. And it was hopeless.

It turns out she had been the victim of extensive sexual and emotional abuse. Over time with lots of therapy and hard work, she actually... Got better. Fully better. Amazingly better. She is a beautiful whole person.

Today Beth is a registered nurse who also helps children with similar conditions to hers from before. 

Added to my list of things I'm going to teach my grandson.

This was on a South Carolina Singles app.

Clever bastards.


Just another reason to be opposed to the death penalty.

Perfect example of why you should not pour molten aluminum into a room-temperature mold.
With all that fancy equipment, you'd think they knew that.

The shirt, the tattoos, the haircut, the chain, the teeth...that has Southern white trailer trash redneck written all over it.

NYC - A teen was arrested after he was seen beating an elderly man with a cane in an unprovoked attack.
Saul Nunez, 19, of the Bronx, was charged with two counts of assault and criminal possession of a weapon. Surveillance footage released by police showed Nunez approaching Juan Llorens, 90, kicking and striking him on the side of his head with a cane. Llorens was left with cuts on his ear and head, police said. Good Samaritans intervened in the alleged assault and stopped it.

If you fail to get yourself a beach body, one will be assigned to you.


Climate change danger...Why we don't care

We know smoking is dangerous, yet we smoke anyway. We know that texting while driving will kill us and we don't care. Drinking while driving leads to deadly consequences and we do it regularly. Same with obesity. 

We have to fear an astroid that we all know is coming one day. We know if that island splits in half and slides into the ocean it will send a giant tsunami wiping out east coast and we don't give a shit. We are told that every disease outbreak in Africa will wipe us all out and we change the channel. Now we are told to even fear vaccinations! Food additives. Methods of cooking. Marijuana for god's sake.

So trying to scare people with global climate change is met with a collective "Meh."


There are so many arguments over who these people are who keep stabbing us, running us over and/or blowing us up. And there are countless theories concerning why, exactly, they do it and what to call them. 

I have an idea. Let's just ask them. Ask them, "Excuse me, sir, why exactly are you committing suicide just to kill a few people you don't even know?" 

Oh, wait...this just in! They have been yelling it in our faces for two decades. They do it because they are Islamic and we are not. Period. That doesn't mean all Muslims are bad, just like not all Germans were bad in the early 40s, but back then we would have been foolish not to give every German special scrutiny.

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