One Of My Very Own...

National Guards shield themselves from jars filled with fecal matter, thrown by anti-government protesters in Caracas, Venezuela.
In 2014, Michelle Carter convinced her 'boyfriend' Conrad Roy (struggling with depression) to kill himself. As he sat in a truck filling with carbon monoxide, he texted her saying that he was having second thoughts and was worried about what this would do to his family. She repeatedly told him to stay in the truck and die.
They talked at length about how he could kill himself with carbon monoxide. “If you emit 3200 ppm of it for five to ten mins you will die within a half hour,” she wrote. In the last days of his life, she told him repeatedly, “You just need to do it.”
For those saying Michelle Carter should not do time in prison because she didn't actually kill Conrad Roy, I will remind you that Charles Manson never actually killed anyone either. Carter talked Conrad Roy into killing himself. Manson talked others into killing people. She is just as guilty as he is.
Heard an interview with a man who said that when you see your daughter with both her legs blown off, it doesn't matter if it was a Syrian jet or an American drone that did it. It just didn't matter.
They talked at length about how he could kill himself with carbon monoxide. “If you emit 3200 ppm of it for five to ten mins you will die within a half hour,” she wrote. In the last days of his life, she told him repeatedly, “You just need to do it.”
For those saying Michelle Carter should not do time in prison because she didn't actually kill Conrad Roy, I will remind you that Charles Manson never actually killed anyone either. Carter talked Conrad Roy into killing himself. Manson talked others into killing people. She is just as guilty as he is.
Heard an interview with a man who said that when you see your daughter with both her legs blown off, it doesn't matter if it was a Syrian jet or an American drone that did it. It just didn't matter.
Hope is the joyful expectation of something stupid happening.
Seattle's music scene can be measured like rings on a tree.
Something tells me there is love in the air. Remember, you have to mate outside you pod (family) or you get that banjo playing kid on Deliverance.
Theoretically, you could do this in a 747 into a 120 knot headwind with full flaps. Or so I'm told.
The physics of Jupiter tells us that it rains diamonds due to the pressure and heat near the core, leaving oceans of liquid diamonds.
Sucker fish
Yeah, I get the evolutionary refinements that enables the owl to do that, but what kind of evolutionary refinement is brown fur on white snow? I bet he died cursing his ancestors.
Or so I'm told.
Watch carefully.
Hotel Grand Hyatt inside Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai.
Of course he died of brain cancer.
Have you ever seen moth eggs before?
Me neither.
I totally understand why people go out for a pack of cigarettes and never come back.
I love people who fuck with the system.
I believe making art with your hands will be a thing of the past shortly. Everything will be on a computer screen or 3D printed.
You should want somebody to look at you the way this baby looks at its mother.
I've found mine.
Talk to the hand...
There will always be people who just want to fuck with other people. They are called assholes and they always wrap themselves in the flag or the bible.
Must not of heard of eminent domain.
Let's be overcautious.
It is predicted that sex with robots will be available to almost anyone.
Well, my wife has the best part of her robot in her sock draw and has for years.
Lady wins $1M with six card diamond Royal Flush.
I don't know what game they are playing the six cards would benefit you.
New bed?
I have no idea what "New bed" means. I just found it in my folder and used it.
Wait for it...
That's called an anticlimax and all the fancy writers use it.
You ever Googled "Redhead goes axe-to-mouth?"
(I thought that very funny.)
Salad days, by Stephanie Sarley
"People don't think it be like it be, but it do."
These are actual suicide notes.
Sad, but not so sad I can't joke about it.
That goes right along with the "You can be both" girl.
Medical advice is cheap.
Worthless, but cheap. And what if my problem is that I pee to much?
Let's revisit our old friend sleeping python.
Chicken actually plays the piano.
We are all lost in space, but our spaceship is very beautiful.
I don't even know what I'm looking at, yet I get the feeling somebody is fucking with me.
That some molecules look similar means nothing. I would do the research, but I don't even know where to start.
Let me take this opportunity to tell you that I will never knowingly lie to you...for no reason. But I don't have the time nor knowhow to research everything. Please be my back up on this. If you find a mistake (that matters) please let me know.
1 comment:
"That some molecules look similar means nothing".
Actually...that some molecules look similar means everything in the fields of medicinal chemistry and pharmacology.
Adderall is amphetamine. "Meth" is methamphetamine, which is simply a methyl group attached to the molecule (see the black/green "group"). The overall activities of the molecule is very similar.
Also, while not often prescribed, there is a prescription methamphetamine available to treat ADHD. It used to be sold under the brand name Desoxyn but is now only available as generic.
Interesting but related side note...the drug selegiline, which is used to treat Parkinson's disease, is metabolized in the body to amphetamine and methamphetamine (however, this is not the mechanism by which selegiline treats PD).
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