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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 25, 2017

FRIDAY #3167

One Of My Very Own...
That was an actual parent complain to her daughter's school.

Dreams To Remember ~ Dilbert McClinton
I like that song very much.


I watch a lot of shows on the Military Channel and this guy has been around for years. He is extraordinarily knowledgable. 

Well, Dr. Aryeh is now Dr. Lynette.

And I couldn't be happier for her.

Elon in his new suit.

The man seems incapable of telling the truth.

In 2020 we are going to have an entire year of bad puns about vision. I think about things like that.


NYC, USA in 1923.

Been betting on Little League World Series. Today I have Japan to beat Mexico. In the entire tournament, Japan has only given up one run.

An English tank patrols the street during the Easter Rising in Dublin, Ireland, in 1916.

That reminds me of a St. Patrick's Day celebration in my city that started out hot and turned cold by mid-afternoon. My friend's shoe store was on of the few shops to stay open and he made a fortune selling boots and shoes to otherwise flip-flop clad co-eds.

Russians are smuggling cheese from Finland.
I imagine it is to get around a tariff. Anyone?

Oddly, that is not the first clip of a large runaway spool of cable. Strange in that I have never seen a spool being transport in the city, much less inside a building.

Remember these two dumbasses?

"You, second guy, you may not pass."
I like that triumphant look back at his sow.

Good lord.

That smaller fish has seen the handwriting on the wall, as it were. He wants out of that damn tank...NOW! I think it got so excited that it temporarily knocked himself out in the corner.

Adult Friendship = Two people saying "I haven't seen you in forever! We should really hang out more" over and over again until one of them dies.


All done with sound waves.

Japanese method for demolishing a building one floor at a time.

So now we can't believe any photo due to photo shop and soon we won't believe any clip because of this shit.
I reported on that a while back, but they have improved the shit out of since then.

Said to be in the United Kingdom.
One of the comments on the site where I obtained that said it was in the UK and that the rail system outside London was in awful shape.
That's unbelievable!

Looks kind of like the pose of one of those carousel horses.

Stone with Moving face.
I put that in this section because I don't have an Art section today.
Watch the nose...moving from left to right. Impressive.

Researchers have figured out how to hack self-driving cars by putting stickers on street signs. Starting by analyzing the algorithm the vision system uses to classify images, they used a number of different attacks to manipulate signs in order to trick machine learning models into misreading them. For instance, they printed up stickers to trick the vision system an autonomous car would use into reading a stop sign as a 45-mile-per-hour sign, the consequences of which would obviously be very bad in the real world.

It be salt water too.
When I was there it was 56 below zero...or so I was told.

I never thought about that.

A lot of people like to argue that this chimpanzee has entered this combination enough times to be able to remember where each number is located. Whether this is the case, or it is the chimp's first time doing this puzzle, it is very impressive.
I, however, watched a documentary on that very thing and I doubt they would lie about. The point was, they are better than humans at that particular task; not perfect.

Okay, help me out.
I was watch an Asian movie...I think Korean...and they went to a small dinner in the city.
Notice that each table has a smokestack-like thing hanging over each table.
I'm assuming to deliver heat. Anybody know for sure?

Almond harvest.
I can't keep from thinking what my voice would sound like if it had a hold of me.

Do you think it's called sand because it between the sea and the land?


I don't think that was the first time he did that.

Challenge accepted...

Notice how wet the sand it, evidence of prior attempts. Still impressive.
But then again there may be a man with a shotgun just off camera.

When they were mere children.

To paraphrase Mel Brooks: ' It's good to be the coach.'

The black delegation sees your white rappers and raises you a black Klansman.

Fuck parents who just fuck with school teachers with crap like this.
The parents have no idea how much they are hated by school teachers.

Marble absorb oils from a human touch.

Brass loses it patina from the same thing.

Corporal Yukio Araki (age 17, center) was one of the youngest Japanese pilots and became famous for this photo and his letters to his family after the war. Here he is with 4 fellow Kamikaze pilots in 1945. 
All those men died in Kamikaze attacks the day after this photo was taken. Trying to kill our sons, fathers and husbands.

Amazing things will happen today if you just choose not to be a miserable twat.



I think this should catch on.
Fight disrespectful fire with disrespectful fire.
And what kind of egotist permanently writes his name on someone else's building?

Notification of an appointment.


I love stuff like this.
I bet you have to tie the shit out of the end of the legs.


There no longer seems to be any point in pointing out the pointlessness.



You ask a parent if they believe in Santa Claus, they will say, "No, I just do it for the children." Then you ask children if they believe in Santa and they say, "No, I just do it for my parents and because I want the presents." I think the belief in ridiculous religious dogma is the same thing...except for the truly delusional.




Anonymous said...

Two things today: As I have become hard of hearing in my advanced age, the sound wave gifs made my parts hard. It is difficult to describe to younger generations how important all of our senses are, especially when we lose them. They just don't appreciate some things until they are gone and no explanation will do it justice. So grateful for GIFs for just that reason.

2) Dr. Aryeh is now Dr. Lynette. I also could not be happier for the former Dr. Aryeh since my childhood friend Patrick is now my life long friend Trish. I understand the stigma that comes with body modifications. However, when yuo compare this to how we treat people such as the muscular female (uh oh) who is so proud of her pec flex, it seems almost hypocritical when we allow others to criticize their accomplishments without reproach. What is different between the two? One decides that genetics is not enough and goes beyond acceptable norms, while the other isn't comfortable in their own skin and decides to change things, despite the criticism. Who are we to judge, or allow judgement?


Alex said...

Sorry, but that's not an European train engine. Seems more a American build. And yes the UK train system is rubbish but not like this.

Jambe said...

The railroad is in NE Indiana and NW Ohio:


I've actually been up there to see that section near Defiance, OH with a friend from Fort Wayne. It's even more incredibly pathetic in person.

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