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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


One Of My Very Own...
Another comment from a parent to private school staff.

John Mayall, The Mists of Time


Remember me asking about these little chimneys?

Korean bbq charcoal stove fume extraction chute. They have these small bbq things they place on your table to cook your food. I think these days the extraction chute might be a health & safety legal requirement in some places.

And that awful train track I thought was in the UK?

It's in the good ole USA.
How do you get insurance on such a thing?

San Francisco

And remember the car door stuffed with smuggled cheese? After the west put in place embargoes against Russia for annexing Crimea, the Russians countered by placing an embargo on farm imports from the EU. Cheese got caught up in it. There's videos of seized food being steamrolled, because, y'know, a bit of nationalist propaganda is better than feeding the homeless.

The brawl.
You want this to stop? Suspend any player who leaves he dugout or bull pen for a few games.

NEWS FLASH - Several people in my area have required medical treatment for putting sun block IN THEIR EYES prior to eclipse.

The authorities in Texas are asking those who have not evacuated to write their social security number on their arm. Think about that a moment.

If you can't tell the difference between delivery and Digiorno, you've probably been fooled by a tranny once or twice also.


In 1941, a German Wehrmacht Sergeant Named Heinz Joest Spent His Birthday Illegally Taking Pictures Inside the Warsaw Ghetto.
The enslaved begged food from people who were themselves starving.

Look at this face and he has no way of even understanding what is happening to him.

This man could have been first chair in some big philharmonic...before some megalomaniac decided he and all his kind must die.

The world's oldest man, Polish-Israeli Yisrael Kristal, who was also recognized as the oldest living Holocaust survivor, died at age 113 years, 330 days, in Haifa, Israel. "He admitted he did not know the secret to a long life, saying: 'There have been smarter, stronger and better looking men than me who are no longer alive.'

He is survived by two children, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

His daughter Shula Koperstoch said he had died on Friday afternoon after becoming ill on Thursday. She told Israeli news that she had had a 'great father', adding: 'Despite all that he went through, and he lost the whole family in the Holocaust, he had a lot of optimism, and he always saw only light and good in everything.'

For those curious, Francisco Núñez Olivera, age 112 years, ~ 242 days, is now the oldest living man.

But please remember that a whole lot of decent people died putting an end to all that suffering.
That bit is true, by the way.

And America is being overrun with people like this ignorance jackass.



Guy let's his face do the acting.
And that's why we love him.

Jewish farmer?

I hope she's reading a first aid manual.

What are the odds the little girl will even approach well-adjusted?

He does this for make believe internet points.
Fucking idiot.
Want to see another guy try to do that?
After you listen to enough warnings for him NOT to do this, skip to 1:50.

As most of you know, I'm ever perplexed by the cultural inculcation we all are exposed to from birth. Some of you will look at the image of that beautiful woman taking a shower and be repulsed by the underarm hair, forgetting that the ONLY reason you think that way is that shaving gear companies spent small fortunes teaching your mother she had to shave your airmpits, then they just let the mothers doing the marketing after that. It is just made up, and made up to make money...off you.

This is from the movie 'I, Olga Hepnarova'. I would not recommend you watch it, but here is one exchange I though memorable, concerning the loopholes in a universal healthcare system. 

Should women be required to register for the draft like men?
Forget about whether ANYBODY should be forced to serve, forget of the slim possibility that they would ever be called up. Do you personally think women should have to sign up for the draft? Keep in mind that the Israeli army does and nobody would say that it's army is ineffective.

Ever see a person eat a taco like this?
I read in a pamphlet that in South Carolina it is perfectly legal to slap the holy shit out of anyone that stupid.

Trump won't drop out. Hey, Republicans, how does it feel to be forced to carry something to term?


The Titanic compared to a modern day cruise ship.

 Do you remember the very clever Best architecture? Well, let's take a stroll down memory lane. 

The last time I played an organized sport the opposing coach thought I was handicapped.


Most unusual.
Would it bother you if I told you the installation was made exactly the way it looks like it was...with a real bird struggling for its life?
Yeah, it would me too.



The Human Brain
Every love, hate we have; who we are; the I in you. And you can eat it if you get hungry enough...well, not you OWN, but somebody's. I hear it tastes like organic grits, but I got that second hand.

I'm going to call cartoons 'things' cause I have no other section for them.

House on a truck, delivered to your lot.

Here the parts are laid out.

Tickle Me Elmo without the skin...
Of such nightmares are born.

"Naw, I'm good."


This puzzle box unlocks when the pattern is changed into a checkerboard. 
How do it know?

My chemist buddy is getting close to publishing. He has a compound that changes colors when exposed to various other substances.

We were so poor when my daughters were growing up that we didn't tell them it was their birthday so we didn't have to spend money on that crap.



Carl Sagan's 1996 Description of 2017


People should have a very hard time with the 'fact' that the same god who loves them would torture their wife and children for eternity. We humans aren't even that diabolical.

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