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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 21, 2017

MONDAY #3163

One Of My Very Own...

An appropriate tune for todays excitement.

"Lord, if you want us to impeach Trump, send us a sign...like blot out the sun or something."

"Columbia is finally a tourist attraction, and our day in the sun is when there isn't one."
Note: The millions expected didn't show up.

For Everyone Missing the Eclipse today, there will be another one of April 8th 2024.
Damn thing will go right over my daughter's house.
[verification needed]

I would love to hear any unusual experiences you had while watching or trying to watch the event. My email is always open.
But I bet that these words, in this order will be whispered from one coast to the other:
"Holy fucking shit."
When you whisper them, think of me.

But from around my parts, there's this...


If ten years ago anyone told me we would be discussing this shit I wouldn't have believed them.


"Nazis and counter protesters pause their attacks to stare at eclipse. A thing to behold."
Like the allies and Germans stopping hostilities and crawling out of their trenches to celebrate Christmas during WWI.

"I want to be the guy who goes around putting Participation Ribbons on all Confederate Monuments."


One more time: After filling, seal the bottle, tie rag to neck, light, then throw. Jeez.
Oh, and if you get shot, it will be called self defense, and rightfully so.

Killing babies is now a pastime for some sects.
That's what happens when you have been throughly culturally inculcated and know...KNOW you are right and others are wrong in their world view.

Some of you people need to go to church. I don't want you in hell with me.


I detest this part of such a beautiful game.

I'd change the rules that you only get to do that for, say, 15 seconds, and if you aren't on your feet you have to leave the field for, say, two minutes.

Note: I wrote the above prior to the new rule change.

Hate this kind of childish shit?
Well, I've been told that the soccer governing boards have decided to get rid of it before the 2018 World Cup. Taking a dive is what got the great Ronaldo a red card. The refs are now busy running around the field ordering players to get up off the turf or get off the field. And surprisingly, it seems to be working. And to think, that's all it took and now the players don't act like snake bit little girls. It was starting to look like American 'restlin'.

The whine time is what Americans liked least about international soccer and I believe the international governing boards want the US market of fans in the sport. I just hope it works.

Apparently scorpion mouths are made from nightmares.
Holy shit! It's lips are claws!

Speaking of body cavities...



The worse nightmare of the punctual man.

What can I say?

Oh hell no.


I hate it when that happens.

Question: Do you think these two people know each other?
The marvels of alcohol.

Speaking of clitoral stimulation...

Oh, my.

Ballsy little bastard, ain't he.


Found the design flaw...

Take the time to read this...
Imagine the kind of greed to spread such harmful nonsense.

Think about that.

Chinese war strategy: Attack with a lot of small groups of 2 to 3 million.


I've spent a lot of time thinking about housing. Here they fill up bags with soil, stack them up, then stucco the whole thing.

Here's another...

My question is, why use earth and not cloth bags filled with concrete.

You install windows and doors this way.
I assume the barbed wire is to limit sliding.
Anyway, the cloth would let moisture into the concrete and they will harden within a few weeks. I assume you could hammer rebar down from the top to further stabilize the wall.
I realize the cheapness of dirt instead of concrete, but the longevity makes me side with concrete.

"I typed nose with my nose."


Squint real hard and they won't appear crooked.
Why would our brain do that?

This young woman looks awful. Drugs?


I don't think much about Art with a capital A anymore. Boy, I used to. I just wish I could share some of my expressionist stuff, but a studio fire took care of all that. They were kind of sprezzatura....poured, rolled, splattered, etc.

Looks kind of arty to me...


Jatayu Nature Park, Kollam, Kerala, India.
This is one of the biggest bird sculpture in the world. Locals believe that Jatayu fell there after being struck by Ravan while rescuing Sita.
Don't laugh. It's no more silly than coming back from the dead and flying off into the sky. Seriously.

“YlnMn blue” was not developed within an arts context, but rather accidentally discovered in in an Oregon State University (OSU) chemistry lab in 2009. Graduate student Andrew Smith made the discovery alongside Mas Subramanian after combining manganese oxide, yttrium, and indium, elements which also serve as the inspiration for the pigment’s name. YlnMn blue has a unique elemental structure which allows its manganese ions to absorb red and green wavelengths of light, only reflecting back a deep blue. This color is so durable that even when placed in oil or water it does not fade which makes it an attractive and versatile commercial product. "
My young chemist friend is working on a color shifting compound.

Holy moly.


I had a friend who worked on the movie set for Creature of the Black Lagoon.

I got a case for my phone even though the screen is already cracked. So basically it's like putting a condom on your kid's head.



Offense - A. Defense - F.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having read this I believed it was very enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this article together.
I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both reading and posting comments.
But so what, it was still worthwhile!

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