About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

SUNDAY #3162

One Of My Very Own...

Buffalo Springfield - Stop Children What's That Sound

That was the music in the opening scene for the movie: Lord of War

This is a quote from the weapons dealer:

"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. Thats 1 firearm for every 12 people on the planet. The only question is.... how do we arm the other 11?"


I've overlaid the eclipse Waffle House restaurants and Bigfoot sightings.

(You can't blame the guy for trying.)


Eclipse path that shows each town and hamlet alone the path.

Here's what my area looks like.

If it's cloudy near home I'm heading between those two lakes...dead center.
Note: No I'm not going anywhere. Too much traffic. If I miss it due to clouds, then it was god's will.



Wouldn't that be an awesome thing to watch?


The path to inner peace begins with four little words: Not my fucking problem.

Fibs, Lies, and Damn Lies

Well, not with that attitude.

What did you expect them to do...play a funeral dirge? 


Spray an entire colony and watch them try to figure out what the fuck is going on. Ha, what fun!




That people actually believe that hogwash amuses me more than you can know.

The dildo was invented 15,000 years before the wheel.


A barrage like that can kill every living thing in a square mile area.

This is the path of tomorrow's eclipse through my state.

Upon awakening, if it is cloudy I plan to first head east on 378, then southeast until I hit the green area, a state park. The to the west until I'm right on the line of 100%.

I will know I'm on the line when I can see the lake.
Of course I will study the forecast to make sure somewhere along that line it will be clear skies.
(again...I'm staying put.)

Holy Carp!
As I understand it, a goldfish is a carp and will get as big as his enclosure allows.

I think this is a grouper.

"We're gonna need a bigger boat."
But who's doing the filming...from above?

Worlds biggest sunflower! German hobby gardener 8,15 meter.

This is amazing.
Check it out:


I find it amazing that here in the US they produce so very much food in huge factories and we don't have more outbreaks of various poisonings.
I felt as if I could actually smell that.

Seems to be getting along quite nicely with one front and one rear leg.

Take a moment to marvel at the ocean floors.


Yeah, it's economical...
But you still have to pay for the sub-roofing of plywood and tarpaper. Why not pre-attach those solar cells to a substructure and put it on in one piece right onto the rafters?

How do you "accidentally" grow a dinosaur faced chicken?

I once took the TV remote with me to work cause I was pissed off at my wife who had the day off.




A sentence you could say both during sex and at a family dinner.

"Stop playing with it and eat it."

"Finish swallowing before you talk."

"No one leaves until everyone's finished."

"This is delicious, mom!"

"Slow down, this isnt a race, you're going to choke on that."

"Is your sister going to be joining us?"

"No more Uncle Filbin, I'm stuffed."

And my favorite...
"You have a little something on your chin."

The movie The Number 23 was unusual.
Can you see the rather clever code at work in the name? Highlight below for answer.
[ Top Secrets ]

Another stroll down Memory Lane, because, by golly, it's worth it.

Who will clean the puke out of self-driving taxis?




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