About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

SUNDAY #3169

One Of My Very Own...

The sublime isolated vocals for the Beach Boys' 'Wouldn't it Be Nice'


To all you Texans out there...

I'm actually getting a little tired of the he-men weather guys standing in front of the leafiest scrubs in town, those that are whipped around by the wind while...WHILE telling everyone else to stay indoors.
Here's what it looks like to me.
I would not put it past them to have a guy tossing papers and such debris up wind so the camera spots something dramatic. And I've said this often, if you've seen 40 images of hurricane damage, you've seen them all. They could just stream something from a decade ago and we would be none the wiser.

There are, in fact, things afoot elsewhere in the world of which you may not be aware.
If you are listening to todays music selection you may want to click the following link after it is finished, but I found it fascinating. I had no idea this was remotely possible anymore.

INDIA...sorry it sounds like classic click bait.

Sincerity is everything, and once you learn to fake that, the rest is easy.


East Berlin guards adding fresh barbed wire to the top of part of the Berlin Wall in 1972 as a curious West German family watches.

The MS St. Louis when it arrived in Antwerp in 1939. 
This was a German ocean liner carrying around 900 Jewish refugees. The German captain and his crew got them out of Germany. They first tried to seek asylum in Cuba, but were denied. Then they tried the US and Canada, but both denied them as well. Luckily Belgium, The Netherlands, France and the UK accepted them. However, since 3 of those countries were conquered by the Nazi's, over a quarter of these Jews were shipped to camps and died.

Johnny Weissmuller in an Illinois Athletic Club swimsuit circa 1922, prior to winning five Olympic gold medals in 1924 and 1928.
Prior to signing a movie contract with MGM in 1932 and becoming Tarzan, Weissmuller was a spokesmodel for BVD swimwear.

"Charlotte Darehshori hides from sniper fire from Charles Whitman during the University of Texas Tower shooting on August 1, 1966. Whitman killed a total of 16 people, his wife and mother earlier in the day, than another 14 from sniper fire from the tower during a 90-95 minute shooting spree, while wounding another 32. He was eventually snuck up on and killed by police."
(Note: I find 'snuck up on' rather awkward.)

A 5 year old boy picking cotton in Oklahoma, USA in 1916.

A must see movie.
The face. It's all in the face.

Been watching old funny movies lately.
I once knew a woman who, in front of several friends, tried to quote that line and said, "Walk like me", and then limped off. Believe it or not, that was much funnier than the real quote.
That's why I call her Wife 1.0.


And yet our personal transportation is STILL dependent on exploding fossil fuels in one of these.

Somebody has dropped the ball.

My wife once had so many coupons that the grocery store actually paid her. She's been talking it about it since 1982. That was her Super Bowl.


Did you notice the kid in the manhole?

Brazil's Miss Bum Bum 2017 Competition

A time portal?
So much better this way...

Remember me telling you on numerous occasions that in our minds us old people don't realize we are old? Prime example above. I just wish I had the energy to do all the crazy ideas I have in my head.


That is the look of victory long sought.

I've seen fans like this before, and I'm wondering if the manufacturers did a great deal of research to determine the most efficient shape, or did they use that shape just because it looks cool (no pun intended) and/or more appealing to the customer. I'm asking because I don't see that shape used anymore, meaning it was later rejected.

But you know, the blades look a little like the counterweights in this.

That young woman doesn't have any clothes on and as far as I can see not even any jewelry, no discernible makeup, nothing...except for that little ring thing in her hair. What's up with that?

The world doesn't care about your self-esteem.


Latest Headline Finds



Jesus fucking Christ, people! This insanity seems to be catching on.



Lesbian in sign language.
Oh, my.

Abbreviated yet still legible. But if writing it by hand, I see a problem with the D and P.
And I think W could be reduced to ^ and still be discerned.

Why do British people play baseball on horses?


Just another reason they now call the US a hyper-power.

Photos Of MS-13 Gang Members Behind Bars From All Over The World

The MS-13 is not just an American problem, they're all over, and they get jailed all over. Here they are...

Side note: Just a thought, but I bet they wouldn't get arrested all of the time if they didn't advertise they're gang affiliation all over their faces with those inane tattoos. Have those guys ever hear about "flying under the radar?"
I was once called by the city manager of a medium sized city in South Carolina. She told me that MS-13 had been spray painted on my mural that they wanted it off IMMEDIATELY. The markings were the viscous gang "claiming" the city as their own, so time was of the essence. The good part was that price was no object, which is always nice to hear.

Rare brass knuckle gun in its original case. 1890.
In Texas this is illegal due to the brass knuckles, not the gun.

This is more or less the philosophy behind me stamping DO NOT REMOVE on my art packets I want removed.

National Geographic Photo Contest...my modification.

Silence is the language of the wise.



On our roadtrips I cherished times spent on roads like this. But then I got to thinking real hard about why. Now I believe the appeal was its alienness. The unseen and unimagined, with me right smack in the middle of it. I have come to realize, of course, I would hate to live in such a place.

I also remembered the feeling of unease when we had not connection with our phones. I felt we were truly alone for the first time in years. And to be honest, it gave me a sense of unease.





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