About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 29, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

It’s Hard Letting You Go, Wiser Time


Gunshot loudness: 160 decibels 
Accidentally dropping down toilet seat rim: 8,000




Cow dogs swim in front, leading cows to safety.

This was a gif of the way this dog shits...

Finally got it to work...

Clever girl.

It is a good day to be a lizard.

Speaking of worms...
"Social" sawflies cluster together and behave as one organism instead of many.
"Complex interconnected systems often display higher order behaviors not observed with individual system components."

Snake strangling a hawk.

A good time was had by all.

Whale Shark sucks fish out of a fishing net.
Kind of reminds me of my honeymoon.

Fossilized Dinosaur skin
"It's a piece of mummified Edmonotsaurus skin, dug up from the infamous Hell Creek Formation in Montana, US. It was sold on eBay for $4,000 in 2008.
"Finding mummified dinosaur soft tissue is incredibly rare. The most famous example is possibly another Edmontosaurus nicknamed Dakota, whose front half of the body was preserved covered with fossilized soft tissue including some skin and muscles - with strips of different sized scales possibly mirroring a striped pattern of colouration in life. Discoveries like this are really scientifically important as they can not only give understanding on what dinosaurs actually looked like, but they also provide some clues towards physiological traits such as gait and maximum speed from measurements obtained from the preserved tendons and ligaments."

Loyal dog stays by his female companion for 2 days on railroad tracks before rescue.

The world's largest elephant.
Or so I'm told.

King of the world.

He jumped sideways!

It's an albino raven.

Too slow.


Footage of snow leopard cubs spotted in Tibet. The species was recently upgraded by scientist to non-endangered.

How wonderful.

I like to sneak a donut into the salad bar so everyone will ask, "WAIT, THERE'S DONUTS?" and I say, "Sorry, last one!" and then eat it.


Wait for it...

Not me.

A kangaroo fucking a pig while a duck watches.
And a naked man on a hill nearby.

Oh my.

"Whatcha doing?"
"Just polar bear stuff."


Boat refuses to pick up dog in flood.
Oh wait, that's not a dog!

It has no idea how big it is.


Throwing a flag at it is a nice touch.
Now go back and watch the men in the background.

Go to the safari park they said, it will be fun they said...


Oh, hell no.

The Grand Marshal of the parade of losers.

You saw it here first, folks.



Marking his territory.
That is why when the alpha male gets usurped, the new alpha will bite off his tail as a final humiliating disgrace.

Little kid's good.

I thought these went extinct.
Or maybe they aren't what I think they are.

This guy drove up on a bear, but the gif wouldn't load.

"The "clever shape-shifting" was detected in bacteria being experimented on in the near-weightlessness of space, and is believed to help the bacteria survive. An experiment on the common E coli bacteria subjected it to different concentrations of the antibiotic gentamicin sulfate, a drug which kills the bug on Earth. However, in comparison to a control group on Earth, the space bacteria showed a 13-fold increase in cell numbers and a 73% reduction in cell column size. "We knew bacteria behave differently in space and that it takes higher concentrations of antibiotics to kill them," said the study's lead author, Dr Luis Zea. "What's new is that we conducted a systematic analysis of the changing physical appearance of the bacteria during the experiments.""


Dance like no one is watching. Email it like it might be read aloud one day in front of a Jury.






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