About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 30, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Hefner's Funeral
Grief sex is the best sex.

Jesus Christ! As I understand it, there are hundreds of the huge high tension wire structures that will take a long, long time to reestablish.


Here is the rebuttal...
This moron on the FP shooting at innocent houses in Houston.

The awkward part of having the 10 Commandments displayed in US courthouses is realizing that 8 of them are pretty much legal here.


Study this long enough to see what is so odd about it...

These morons were caught in Jacksonville trying to steal a power pole....a power pole!



There is not an embarrassment gene in that man's whole body. Nice knife, though.


Chaplin on danger.

I want someone to look at me the way his stomach looks at this keg.
Did you notice the face in his abdomen?

Man vs Small Mouse
Can't you just hear the shrill little girl screaming?

Now THAT is a cleanliness freak.

A man's man, by god.
I can truthfully say I have never been that drunk...thank god.

Stephen Hawking & wife Jane Wilde
I wonder if he made lewd science jokes, like "Hey, baby, let's spend some time space continuum in the bedroom." Or "Exploring your black hole."

He won't be looking at that ass for a few days.



You gotta love friends like this.


Must be an ethnic thing...

Now we know the real reason they came up with face veils. Seriously, can we assume that this was before the west showed them what spectacles were?

This man woke up one day and said, "I'm going to become an actor."

More Chaplin

Smart man.

This is me helping my wife out manually.

A planned occurrence, I guarantee you.

I never did find out why this was so weird.


At first I was amazed that none of them were holding cans of beer, then I spotted one on the table.

I wish I could do anything as well as that guy does that.

A girl's best friend.

Like what's up with the guy's thong?


We all like a self-starter.


This amputee lifts weights with his stump.

Guy got blackout drunk and woke up with this. Has no idea what it means.

What a powerful photograph.

A very dear friend of my first and second wife was an actress in a local theater here in South Carolina for many years until she moved to NYC to see if she could make it big time. Once here in Colombia she landed the lead in Agnes of God, but seeings how she had never given birth to a child, she asked my first wife what it was like. After more details than I ever cared to know, the young actress took the knowledge gleaned and mimicked it perfectly. We (the entire city) was very proud of her, and me of my then wife's instructional skill.

Or so I'm told.



Want to guess what happened?
Hint: It involves a guy's dick and the fire department.


Girls just want to have fun...

Would love to do a Trump family sitcom, but would have to make up a character to be "the smart one".



Oops. Let's try again.




Notice all the smiles. What's wrong with these people?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike Myers and Kanye West, Hurricane Katrina telethon. Scroll for vide clip.

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