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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

More on this later.


I find it astounding that the same stupid ass government that lets shit like this happen routinely can also be successful at faking a moon landing or planning and executing the 911 attacks.

Axl Rose is an anagram for 'oral sex.'



Do want.

Is that corn? Where does the stalks and leaves go?


That has got to be Russia.



Dubai Police Now Use Hooverbikes

The good news is that a vaccine can't make your cat atheist.



I bet she has done that a thousand times.

The Floating Fish Farms of China
Oceans running out of fish? Grow your own.

Territorio de Zaguates - Land of the Strays, Costa Rica. No kill shelter with 800+ happy mutts.
It's scary to think that if they stopped feeding them this pack would be coming after you.

Speaking of...
I would take that as a dreadful omen.

You, nice lady, have to power to tell ME to eat meat like that? I seriously doubt that.

Somebody broke into my house and stole my limbo trophy. How low can you go?



That is so very true. It's like women just make up "rules" to make their life more complicated.





Song of the South is considered by many to be the most controversial, racist, and insensitive movie the Disney studio has ever made. 
Here's a sample of the dialogue...

You can go here...

Or just type this into Google.


Deceit & I a poem by RJ Walker
Well worth a listen...and short.

The funny thing is that this sounds terrifying.

Will a turtle die if someone sucks its penis? Asking for a friend.



God I loved that movie.

Look, that one took a short cut.

That's fucking hilarious.

But I think the problem arose when the bull shoved the cage again the building. Otherwise it could just keep pushing it around all afternoon.



Oh, how the tables have turned...

So I'm very interested in the way different cultures deal with things that are taboo here in the old USA.
This is a Spanish survival movie. I watched this rather long scene and placed a notation in my notation file about them just being two men lost in the wilderness who finally find a nice river in which to bathe and they didn't even have sex. I no sooner put the period at the end of the sentence than they were, in fact putting their pee pee up the other's do do hole.

Intoxication level: Exorcism
Liverdance performance reeeeeeeeal slow.


I wonder if anyone at PETA has ever used the expression "kill two birds with one stone" at a meeting by accident?



But they have all but convinced us that we are.



1 comment:

Jambe said...

Yes, it's corn. The whole plant's ground up for silage.

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