About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 24, 2017

FRIDAY #3257

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Seems to be working...

Think they won't do this?
Think about how your internet provider treats you now; now imagine giving them almost unlimited power over what you see and don't see.

Me: I really think we should hide the body.
Pallbearer: Again, that is not how any of this works.



I'm gonna try my best to pass away in Ghana!

So, what happens if the US offers free college? What will be the motivation to enlist?

True? Hell, I don't know.

Remember this monk?
I wrote something about him being able to out zen any of them.
Well, Muay Thay is the champion who became that monk.

Messi isn't messy.



Let's see how long it takes for you to figure out what these images have in common.
They all have the perfect name that destined them for their jobs.


PRIEST: 1st the groom’s vows.
ME: *Unfolds notes* I’m only doing this for the cake.
PRIEST: That’s not really-
HER: That’s what I wrote too.



I think the most disturbing thing about that is the word "selling."

The Darién Gap is a break in the Pan-American Highway consisting of a large swath of undeveloped swampland and forest within Panama's Darién Province in Central America and the northern portion of Colombia's Chocó Department in South America.

The Emberá Tribe lives in that gap.

Although they are only a short canoe ride up the river to a modern city, they have chosen to keep their old ways.
The dye they put all over their bodies also repels insects.
The dress is perfect for the environment in which they live.

They play the same music as their ancestors with the same instruments.

They still make the dugout canoes in the old way.

The money they make from tourists goes to by modern boats and outboards.
They use the same plant drugs to cure illnesses, but if someone gets severely injured or seriously ill, they take them to the hospital downtown.
They think they have found a perfect balance between the old and the new.

Petra, Jordan
Carved right inside of the mountain. I imagine mistakes were severely punished.
Looking  at these rooms, it's hard to believe they are cut inside a mountain.

Parents, we noticed you successfully avoiding the candy and toy aisles, so we brought the candy and toys to your checkout lanes.
- Stores



I have no idea.

The Charlotte, NC skyline as seen from the top of Grandfather Mountain approx. 100 miles away.
Looks kind of like the ocean, don't it?


The Great Hippo Escape
The hippo went outside for 2 minutes and came back in, just because!


During WWII the Americans knew exactly how the excellent German tanks were designed. 
The design that hasn't much changed since that war.

Yet the Americans decided to produce this under-firepowered, high profile model to face them. Our shells just bounced off the German's best tanks. I've never understood that.
I mean, we out-engineers them when it cam to airplanes; this being just two examples.
And bombers.
Oh, I know they put another cannon on it, but I'm talking about originally.

I was reminded about the study about this very thing...
I know people who brag about being able to multitask. But a study found that people who multitask do in fact work on many items at one time, but they screw up these same many items. Men tend to work on one item at a time and once they are successful they move on to another.
Write that shit down, ladies.

 I once heard my 7-yr old daughter yell out "Cue the battleship!" in her sleep & I was jealous because her dreams are a lot cooler than mine.



All things Ralph...
Then I found this later...
Somebody changed it. But why?


How very clever.

I find it hilarious that otherwise smart people think that this could actually happen.

RH - Well, that's not very nice.


RH - Personally I say Bravo to the gay tourists who were willing to fuck in front of lions.


Any time you hit someone with your cart in the grocery, just say "Funny running into you here." It will ease the tension and you may make a new friend.








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