About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Ones Of My Very Own

Let's try that again...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

PERRY COMO - "Ave Maria"


What Europeans think Black Friday looks like in America.

Or from another angle...
They are not far wrong.



 I don't know if this is a good idea or not. I'm just putting it out there - you decide.


Effective immediately, all United Airlines flights require at least one passenger to volunteer as tribute.
[ old joke, sorry ]



Famous people and their children
No need for any of them to have a DNA test.

A Japanese commercial - The unblinking woman

God I love stuff like that.

This is why I always want to take my own car.
That above was 2 minutes into her mother's rant about how Jesus is the true Lord because it says so right in the book.

Who wore it better?
I am so cruel.

Bring canned food and water to a friends house and say, "The big one is coming." Don't explain, just cry.
(helps if you are a scientist)



A stunningly beautiful photograph.

The United States mapped by trees and forests.
Driverless Shuttle In Las Vegas Gets In Crash With Passengers On First Day
Come to find out, the truck backed into it.

Ireland bans all circus animals - 8.11.17
A trend that should spread.

German tries to donate food to refugees but bag gets stolen.
I know that's old, but as a PSA to teach how NOT to distribute treats to desperate people.

I really like the monotone.

I want a doctor and a lawyer to do commentary on Home Alone and discuss the severity of the injuries and the liability of the homeowners.



This guy thought the bike rack looked like a vending machine, so he created a common vending machine product.

Sorry Nazis, not today.
I actually hate anyone who thinks they have it all figured out. Let's stop kidding ourselves; we are all guessing. It's just that my guesses make more sense than most people's.
[ TWAJ ]

My young scientist friend did a thing.

Most people would love to take this bargain.
But are quick to point out when you are overcharged.

I finally watched this awful movie.
And they didn't even have a wash foot guy.
And, yes, it was just as godawful as I thought it would be.

So human-like.
Did you know new born human babies can hang like that?

Ran into this again.
It's a fire truck! I wondered aloud why it needed a glass roof and a young man on the adjacent barstool suggested that when the firemen were called to a fire and driving through town before they had radios and with the glass roof you could look for the smoke. That makes sense.

"When I'm dead, I'd like you to buy a $9,000 box and throw it down a hole."
- Humans
[ not me ]




I agree. But they may not be made out of the same pink slim as real nuggets.


SNOW WHITE: Why is your name Bashful?
BASHFUL: [recalling when he bashed in the 8th dwarf's skull] No reason.







One of my favorites.

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