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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

SUNDAY #3259

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

When a Man Loves a Woman ~Spencer Davis Group


You ready for that to happen?

Not sure if this is true, but it ought to be.

I would like to thank all the people who provide the rest of us services over the holidays.


 Sex? When I saw you lying naked on the bed surrounded by candles I assumed you were performing a satanic ritual. What, I'm a mindreader now?



Mark 1 - UK, 1916
28 tons - 2,44 m tall, 8,5 m long.
These were the earliest mass-produced tanks, entirely designed around achieving breakthroughs in the difficult terrain of the muddy WW1 battlefields. Their shape was to allow for good passage through craters and over trenches. Their initial use was hampered by immense reliability issues (the vast majority broke down to mechanical failure before reaching the enemy lines) and poor tactical doctrine exposing them to artillery fire. Later in the war, Germany had developed anti-tank guns and tactics. Their success in the war is often overrated, but their potential was undeniable.

Char 2C
The Char 2C ended up being the only "super-heavy" tank to ever enter regular service. 10 were built. By WW2 they were outdated and only used as propaganda assets, advertised as invincible super-machines. All but one were destroyed by their own crews when the German stopped their transport train. The last one was taken to Berlin where it disappeared towards the end of the war. 

And for ever advancement there is a counter-measure. The A-10 is a tank killer and close air support for ground troops.

Flying that low requires a plane that is survivable...and it is.
All those planes made it back to their bases.

The Double-Barreled Cannon of Athens
Designed to fire two solid cannonballs connected together by a length of iron chain. The two barrels pointed slightly away from each other, so that when they are fired together the cannonballs would spread to the full length of the chain and mow down enemy soldiers like a scythe cutting wheat on a field, or that was the idea.

One of my bartenders has one of these.
It shoots salt.

As his name is not "Biggest Bird", we are to understand that Sesame Street is home to at least one, perhaps more, truly immense unseen birds.



Sausage Gravy Stuffed Biscuits
I'm not exaggerating when I say that that is the greatest advancement in the culinary arts in at least a century.



Hugh Hefner buried next to Marilyn.


The Sumerians (4000 B.C) illustrated paraplegia caused by physical trauma in a bas-relief of a lion with an arrow in its back.

After a 2-1 loss in a friendly match against Korea, Edwin Cardona from the Colombian team makes a gesture that is deemed extremely racist by asians.
Oh, grow up.

Women and their shoes. And you wonder why men make more money?

In the college town where I live they go out with a knit hat, coat, gloves, then wear shorts and flip-flops.

Me and clocks...

Why aren't these everywhere?

Remember, that architecture is only feasible because of the invention of the elevator brake.

Saw a video for vegan cauliflower ice cream on fb and heard the four horsemen of the apocalypse thunder overhead.



In America, he would have been dead 14 times.

I like how “two” is spelled a little strangely so you’re prepared early on for how insane “eight” is going to be.



I think this guy should have gotten an Oscar for this...

Never, ever get married on game day.

What kind of adapter is she using?

The caption read: "Marriage proposal test run."
I don't know what that means.

For every action...

Daniel Radcliffe with the prop used to show his corpse in Swiss Army Man.


And, of course, he drives right through the pile of horse shit.
Also note the trees. 50 years later that highway would be a death trap for motorists going 60mph.

I have a friend who used to smuggle drugs, and he told me they did this kind of quick extraction all the time.

Some silliness...

Never leave drugs were dogs can reach them....

The upside getting life without parole is that you'll never have a parole officer.





I find it amusing how easily it is to get people to jump on bandwagons. Of course some people are allergic to gluten, but science says it's a much smaller percentage than claimed by soccer moms.


Charlie Brown grew up to become a good grief counselor.







You're welcome.

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