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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 19, 2018

FRIDAY #3312

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The paddle boat of trains.

This is like the golf cart of trains.

Lots of car trains.

A truck train.

A subway train.

And lastly a house train.
I have no idea what that's about.

What a great idea.

Impressive "toy."

The Japanese were using this thousands of years ago; specifically with a huge tree trunk hanging in the middle of their pagodas. 

*gets holy water enema *waits for god to bless the shit out of me



I had to do exactly this one time.

What's wrong with you people?

Woman rips off burqa after ISIS is driven from Raqqa.

I tend to agree but would have added, most men.


Is it fat shaming when you just want them to get more healthy so they will live longer?






[alternate universe where Jesus Christ's name was Jeffy Spaghetti] 
ME: *hears some horrible news* Jeffy Spaghetti!



People who design their own tattoos need special recognition.

I think people who work with their hands are under appreciated.
But then, of course, I would.

Think of all the times in history and a man's horse meant the difference between living and dying.

Pablo Picasso goofing off at his home in 1957.
And like all powerful people, nobody could tell him when one of his paintings missed the mark.

This person loves his dog.

Think of all the people whose inventions have saved millions of lives.

Mel Brooks in the army during WWII in 1944. His job in the army was defusing land mines. 
He attributed his sense of humor with getting through the stress of such a job at the time.

Famous American broadcast journalist, author, and television personality Barbara Walters reading a book in 1953.

Forget about a photo ID...I don't think anyone should be allowed to vote in this country unless they can quote at least three lines from "Christmas Vacation."



In Detroit that could get you shot.


Let's take another look at this...

A  smart guy, who has clearly picked up some flashy tricks, forgets the essence of the game.
Anybody know what this is about? All I know is that it is some sort of game involving cones.

Found Later...
So, it's just a stupid sitcom?

I've posted that before, but I don't think anyone can be rehabilitated out of that kind of evil.



Mexico Police stealing during a raid.
Corrupt police in Mexico? I am shocked and appalled.

Damn! A lot of people hated that guy.

I'm going to say it again. I try not to do that, but will admit that sometimes the intro ID is bigger than the comic and to include it would end up making the cartoon too small. Sorry, the illustrator fucked up.
But if I read something funny on the internet I apply the same rule as hearing a job in a bar. When I tell the same joke I do not feel obligated to say, "A guy named Joe told me this joke on April, 4th of this year at Dano's Pizza.
And of course Joe stoled it from someone else who stoled it from someone else, etc, etc.
And most of the people who criticize me for stealing a job have $500,000 worth of stolen music on their hard drive.










Jim said...

Ralph, Unlike you I am not an atheist I have a STEM degree). Even if you are an atheist or agnostic a large portion of God's Commandments are a good guide to a moral life. The 6th Commandment reads "Thou shalt not kill", however, I have heard Talmudic scholars say that this is actually a misinterpretation in the King James version. It should read "Thou shalt not murder". With this in mind the death penalty may not be immoral. So, my question is why is that woman still alive after what she did to that poor man. Also, Does the LBGQT community support her in any manner (it would not surprise me)?

Ralph Henry said...

So what other words are wrong in the bible? Maybe virgin was really just a young girl. Or instead of made wine it was bought wine. Walk on water walk in water. I like how this is working out.

Anonymous said...

LGBTQ etc has nothing to do with the torture of a man. Just a bunch of letters reminding people humans have a bajillion different identities and should be protected under the law. I know plenty of lgbtq that have better morals then some Christians and vice Versa. And here is the real shocker! Some christians are lgbtq. (I personally see Christianity as a trans manifesto but that is a long crazy complicated conversation that prob has no leg to stand on)

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