About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Tide executives right now.

Found a way to stop it, at least in California.

I heard it's very easy to convince women not to eat Tide Pods, but it's a lot harder to deter gents.

Well, I can't get banned in Russia if I'm already banned. That the way I have it figured - going for weeks with hundreds of hits a day to zero overnight...over and over again.

This happens so often here in Columbia.
The snow line just stops right at our front door. I left my house (location indicator) and drove drove downtown about where the "L" is and it was snowing like a crazy.





Examples of Brutalist Architecture

Ancient Roman sites in Modern cities.

Glendalough, Ireland

Did you notice the stone roof?


I could afford to maybe set foot in the lobby.

And then there's this...

What do you think would happen to you if you acted out some of the ordained events in the bible? Our army slaughtering every man, woman and child in a captured city comes to mind.



Wearable Hummingbird Feeder


When your parents arrange a marriage and she turns out to be beautiful.

St. Benedict, Patron Saint of Cucumbers

Watch her go from charming to evil overlord...

You better czechoslovakia before you  wreckyoslovkia.



You should read this...




Yeah, me too.



Have you ever been banned from all public libraries for a "thing" you did with the computers?



Shoebox bedside table
Made of painted wood, of course.

Okay, I understand this...

I even understand this...

But what the hell is this for?

They worked for months on this for a Predator movie.
Then they didn't use it.

I regret that I have never found a fossil.

But the shape of that one and its host rock looks like this...sort of.

I wonder what kind of drugs this spider was on?

What a wonderful idea.



If a guy's coffee order has more than 5 words in it, he should have to tuck his dick and balls behind his butt for the rest of the day.



I think that's a fluke.

Water receding from approaching auto.


Driver puts the emergency brake on which locks the rear wheels, then pushes down on the clutch and accelerates to probably 3000-4000 rpm, then swiftly releases the clutch. This causes the front wheels to lose traction in order to match the engine revs and so they spin. The friction from the spinning wheels pulls the car out, and once it's past the cones the driver releases the brake and away she goes.








Simon Beer said...

Hi Ralph
I like your blog very much.
The fossil is an ammonite - so named after Ammon the Egyptian ram headed god.
I studied palaeontology at university which, 40 years ago, rendered you just about unemployable.
It’s nice that I can use it every once in a while.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you for your kind words and information.

Anonymous said...

He says his Asian spouse makes his life depressing.

Ralph Henry said...

What the fuck does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Never fought for them? How about a little thing called Civil War?

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