About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 29, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Bring It On Home To Me


Give the devil his due.




I can remember when something like this would have shocked the hell out of me.
Oh, I didn't think they were dangerous, but back then I was against anything that was alien, strange or unfamiliar.

I was confused by it so my logical conclusion was that they were confused over the whole sexuality thing.
I feel so very lucky that I moved out of that environment or I would probably still feel the same way.
My road to sanity was the military. I don't mean to say that the military is full of gay people, but it is full of people from every part of America and every political stripe. But I credit myself with having the wherewithal to listen to and consider others' points of view.

As a father of two, I have first hand experience in sex during wife's pregnancy, and if I was honest I would tell you it was an....uncomfortable feeling. Because at that point that beautiful young woman wasn't a sex object but the growth factory of my most beloved being.


It has been proven that any woman can overcome her gag reflex with practice, so there are no excuses.

And I thought I invented this...

Interdict is a funny word. It's like step one in losing your virginity.

These are spintria, 2000 year old Roman tokens depicting sex acts.


Together, P.E.N.I.S and VA.G.I.N.A (Various American Girls Instituting Nicer Attitudes) can Find Unique Common Knowledge.

Oregon State University's mascot is the Beaver. For years I have been waiting for my Gamecocks.

We've all had teachers like that. Mine was a 9th grade art teacher who used to climb up on a stool with a mini-skirt on.

Anybody want to try and explain that to me?


This was a hilarious clip, but I could not upload it to the blog page...don't know why. Try this.

"An unhealthy attraction."


I try very hard not to post anything that might be underage girls in compromising poses. She looked a little young to me.


And this is lingerie for the feet for your foot fetish guy...


Get it?
He's beating his meat.

I find it unfortunate that hardly anyone wants to talk about masturbation when everyone on the planet enjoys it.

We were very open in our explaining such things to our daughters. I remember when the first detailed revelation was complete, my daughter just shrugged and said, "Oh."

Have you ever tried to have sex on a beach? Well, that sand causes a whole bunch of problems.

I have had the great pleasure to have intercourse on the beach and can attest to the difficulty.

Sand gets in everything.
That not only means the vagina, but the guy's urethra. I strongly suggest doggy style.

Look at the bystanders.
It looks like shit like that happens so often that it's no big deal.



Some old farts at a very conservative bar asked me about homosexuality. One said it was unnatural. I countered with this: When you were younger and your parents weren't home and you had the house to yourself, did you ever do anything "unnatural?"
They all but pursed their lips and nodded.

We should all be aware of how women have been fucked with throughout history. Yet today they can go to jail for going topless, but men will not, is not challenged by the vast majority of women. Do you think that's because they would be embarrassed if they felt pressured to display their wares?









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