About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I'm thinking of twirling my beard like an old world Jewish guy.
What do you think?


The Venezuelan famine crisis which has literally made the country fall apart has produced images like this group of people storming into a farm like a swarm of zombies to kill and tear apart a cow for food.

You really need to see exactly what desperate people look like. Short and eye-opening.

Well, half the "bad guys" flew in and overstayed their visa.


Russia spans a whopping 11 time zones.
And that's why the World Cup schedule is all over the board from early to late. 
I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas.


I'm a big fan of situational awareness...and pure dumb luck.
And that was everything in the world that that man owned.

If you have a truck big enough to transport that pole, it could transport a ladder.
But did you notice all the scuff marks where they had used that same column numerous times?

Are we sure the wise men who brought frankincense and myrrh weren't just trying to sign Mary up for their essential oils pyramid scheme?



Must have been raised from a calf by those humans.

Frozen pants...

I have a joke about people from Minnesota.
It helps if your mind's voice reads this with a Scandinavian accent.
I'm from Min-ne-so-ta. My ancestors sold their land, home, furnishing and purchased passage on a ship for a harsh voyage across the North Sea and Atlantic until they landed in the new world. They purchased a team of oxen, wagon and provisions and began their long trek for a place to settle. They battled hostile indians, brutal storms; crossing swollen rivers; and enduring near starvation. Yet they traveled for weeks, then months until they came to a land that was just as fucking miserable as the one they left.

JOSEPH AND MARY: We’ll stay in the manger, we don’t care
INN MANAGER: Fine. Just don’t make a scene. 



My Wife 1.0 used to have the uncanny ability to pick dozens of four leaf cloves while other people spotted nary a one.
I guess it's sort of like me and holey-moleys and hearts of stone.

Humans seem to have an all powerful need for distraction.

Game shows are getting more and more ridiculous.
Those zany Japanese.
Can I safely assume those are Legos?

Sports have been around since the first man in a cave threw the first bone into an upturned skull.

 [interrupts Pink Floyd]
"Actually, it's AN education."



From the documentary Twice: The 95 year old man survived not one, but both of the world's two nuclear attacks.

Bomb One: Walking to the city with two colleagues he remembered he had forgotten something in his bordering house and went back alone to fetch it. The rest, as they say, it history.

While badly burned, he made his way to an evacuation train and saw many wandering people in total shock with skin hanging from their bodies.

To get to the train they had to cross the river. The river clogged with countless bodies.

To save his family from hearing of his tragedy, he only began writing poetry of the event at 90 years old.

Lest we Americans forget, they started it.
There have been numerous studies that estimate the number of people (civilians and military) that would die if we had been forced to invade...it was in the many millions.

This guy believes as I do, that soon most manual labor jobs will be automated. The question is what to do with the unemployed? Or to put it another way, who will buy the products of this automation if there is a consumer pool that is ever shrinking?


Did you know that the hymn A MIGHTY FORTRESS was written by Martin Luther?
I didn't either until I watched the Netflix documentary about his life. 
His views of Jews was very akin to those of Adolf Hitler, but most Lutherns dismiss those writing as "Unimportant."
Aside from that brief lapse concerning the Jews, Martin advocated non-violence; the need for publicly funded education for children; and the education of girls. 
When in Germany and hearing the story and reading the writings, MLK Junior's father changed his name.

He was also the very first person to realize the power of the media, using the printing press to sway public opinion.

Remember when “anyone can grow up to be President” was aspirational, not an existential threat?




Japanese astronaut who's grown 3-1/2 inches in space hopes he'll fit in vehicle that takes him back home.

Happy 76th Birthday, Stephen Hawking!


Brad Pitt Bid $120,000 to Watch ‘Game of Thrones’ With Emilia Clarke
But the bid was $160,000 by someone else.


The guy at the urinal next to me didn't appreciate my theories on "Game of Thrones".



In my opinion, this is the great of human feats.

I couldn't agree more.

I feel sorry for this child.
I'm the guy who said that if my daughters graduated from high school a virgin and never had tried alcohol and marijuana, THAT'S when I would worry about them.

Think of him looking what you will, but if this was your appeal wouldn't you have dressed better and used decent lighting? And maybe drop the door basketball net.

Salesperson: May I help you?
Me: Yes, I need something really nice that my wife can exchange next week.



There are many problems with review sites. One - they can be padded with rave reviews by friends, employees and relatives. Two - It can be panned by you competitors.
I simply don't trust them.

"A new civil rights act has come into force in Switzerland that prevents residents who have been on welfare in the past three years from becoming citizens unless they pay back the money they received to the state. The new regulations will make it impossible for asylum seekers and migrants who have lived off state handouts in the last three years to become citizens even if they have lived in Switzerland as permanent residents for the required time to make a citizenship application."

Wait for it.
Somebody threw a chair on his head!

We should all be thankful that criminals are not very smart.

I just love the cops response. "Nope, nope, nope." All the while he has a "pity the fool" kind of look on his face.

RH: I tend to agree.


Four women at Chicken Bone Beach, a segregated beach in Atlantic City by John W. Mosley, 1960s
Today there is a segregated beach in South Carolina. Called Atlantic Beach and it is black because the black people want it that way.

Sadly, I think the internet has made us even more stupid.


Irish Festival

And a good time was had by all.


The ride of shame.







mike harris said...

Re; man looking for daughter. Yes, he would be better shaving off that nasty beard. I always think beards make men look like tramps.Mike

Anonymous said...

Beard twirling = preening.

But keep up the good work.

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