About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 27, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



So the votes are in and counted.
About 99.9% of you loyal FO viewers elected not to send me a selfie. It may be a matter of terminology, so how about not calling it a selfie, but rather get somebody else to photograph your face and send it to me, that way no one has to break their self-imposed no selfie rule.
Get it?
Come on guys, I have an idea to use your pics in very special editions of One Of My Very Owns. Think about it! Your face with my comic caption. You will love it. So, get busy, and remember, after saving the image I erase the email without even looking at the address...I swear.


Yesterday there were three televised soccer matches beginning around 3pm. Two were of obscure teams nobody gave a shit about, so I offered all comers that I would take the teams with white or the most white uniforms and they could have colored. If there was any doubt we would get the neutral bartender to select the "most white" team. I had bet money spread all over the bar.
I broke even...win, lose and tie, but it was a lot of fun.

Question for you math people out there: If a 95mph baseball pitcher releases his throw at, say, six feet off the ground and at the exact same time a ball is released to free fall from the same height, will the thrown ball reach the mitt before the other ball hits the ground. Just wondering...and maybe if the answer is odd enough I can win some money in a few bar bets. 

Note: I like this post.


This guy doesn't fuck around.
How is that even possible?

"SR-71 Blackbird - Low Pass over English Countryside," the caption read.
Or more likely, it's in the process of taking off.

The Zeppelin Train
Back when design mattered.

‘Big Wind’, two turret mounted Mig-21 jet engines mated to an old Russian T-34. 
Want to guess what this thing is used for before you scroll?
Designed to blow out burning oil wells.
But how does that much thrust keep from tipping it over? Outriggers on other side?

Put me in the game, coach.

One of the five RAH-66 Comanche ever built for the US-Army.
That is one beautiful aircraft.
I think that was the same type craft that crashed in the Osama Bin Laden raid.

No photo manipulation. Want to guess what you are looking at?
Explanation to come.

Sailors on the USS George Washington spell out “nice to meet you” in Japanese.
Those people are, understandably, extremely anti-nuke, but does that include a nuclear powered warship?

But I guess turning it upside down is a form of manipulation.

Risking your life for bragging rights.
Or fake internet points.

Oh, look, another dumbass.

Kayak struck by lightning.

 The Shining is my favorite Christmas movie about enjoying quality time with the family when you’re snowed in.

As could be predicted, I fucking love that cartoon.


I find the fascinating.
Hampshire's Ipley Cross is a notorious crossroads where cyclists keep getting hit and even killed by motorists, despite the mostly level terrain around the place where two roads cross each other at a seemingly innocuous angle.
But the crossroads have the bad luck to be at 69 degrees to each other, an angle that, when combined with the blind-spot created by the driver's front pillar and a well-understood navigational hazard called "constant bearing, decreasing range" means that frequently, the first time a driver and a cyclist will see each other is a second or two before the car strikes the bicycle.

So it snowed in Algeria... one of the hottest places on the planet.
One should be very careful not to take one or two weather anomalies to prove or disprove your climate change posture.
I will be totally upfront by declaring I prefer to err on the side of caution. So, we clean up our air to "maybe" save the planet...PLUS we have cleaner air!!! That sounds like a win-win to me.

Saw this and discussed it with some stoolmates. We more or less concluded that the dark bricks had absorbed enough heat in the sunshine to melt the snow later that evening.

Then I saw this...
So it is heated; either electrically or with embedded hot water pipes. Probably a prototype to see if it's feasible.

NASA's $1 billion Jupiter probe has taken mind-bending new photos of the gas giant.

The world thanks you, NASA.

Think of people who don't drink. This means when they do karaoke, it's on purpose.
Think about that a moment.



These working dogs seem to enjoy their work just a little too much.
Anybody figure out why the guy panicked? Probably he saw combat on the horizon.

Other worldly ain't it.

Slight temperature changes make them do that.

You can't teach that with negative reinforcement.

 "Tell me what Hogwarts house you think your dog belongs in and I'll tell you what you had for breakfast."



Well, that kind of takes the fun out of it.

I'm going to let these speak for themselves.

This is pretty sweet, but it couldn't be water tight.

Let's go ahead and invent a light switch that requires TWO finger.

Postit type pad that leaves behind very specific residue.

I bet that was invented, like, a million years ago.


Directions: Allow food to sit and cool for five minutes before eating.
Every human on Earth: No.



That has got to hurt...but only for a split second.


What kind of monster sits in a rocking chair and doesn't rock?



Watched (tried to watch) a documentary on Bitcoin.

One of the guys was a star in Bill and Ted's Great Adventure.
I can't but think many people are going to lose a whole bunch of money.


You may want to take the time to listen to this very smart lady.

Representation of how mass affects space-time.
Note the clocks as nodes.








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