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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 29, 2018

FRIDAY #3472

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Mexican fans swarm to Korean embassy and have tequila shots with the ambassador.

Swedish Captain asking how Germany's game went.



Well, I was right about Germany not making it. I've lost a little faith that Mexico can win it all. Still pulling for teams from the Americas. Maybe mighty Argentina has awoken.





So she doesn't have to tell every stranger she meets.

She said these are supposed to be stars.

What kind of deodorant does she use?

I kind of like this one.


But many inked people seem to be obsessed with their nipples. 


Customer: What time do you get off?
Waitress: A few minutes after my boyfriend goes down on me.



I'm sorry to say this, but I no longer trust any large organization to use my money wisely.


I watched a documentary on the men in the Catholic Church who perform exorcisms. One guy said he had done 10,000. 
I find it fascinating that only believers suffer from demon possession. Hearing voices? It's not the devil inside you. It is mental illness pure and simple.

So let's have fun with the ignorant bastards.


I know you all are probably sick of hearing me rant about this so often, but I can't get over it.

This guy says it much better than I could:

"If you openly decide not to vaccinate your kids, you're strongly misinformed. You are not only putting your child at risk but people it will encounter. This should be obvious. It's not 'edgy' or 'woke', you only prove your own lack of understanding of the science behind it. It annoys me to see something so dangerous slip in with other modern trends. It's not the same as raising a child at home or vegan. It's even worse to see people proudly claim they've ignored all other advice because "they've done their own research". Googling 'why I shouldn't vaccinate my kid' and clicking some twat's blog isn't research. And no, vaccination doesn't cause autism. Maybe if people spent a little more time listening to people who are professionally trained in the subject their kids wouldn't be contributing to another measles outbreak."

There are so very many people who have a real thirst to know something that nobody else knows. There are people who SWEAR they have seen these "monsters".
And every time Lizard Man is spotted in South Carolina, it makes the newspapers and TV.
Think of the people who deny climate change due to global warming. They read an article or two and discount the mountains of peer-reviewed data.
UFO sightings have some real mysteries, but not knowing something doesn't prove something else. Hell, I want to believe in UFOs, but my jury is far, far from in.
Hell, in America you can't throw a dead cat without hitting a conspiracy. It is empowering to think you smarter than the experts - think jet fuel can't melt steel. When, of course, it doesn't have to melt it, just bend it.


I can't believe such sound amplification is healthy for young people's ears. 
Anybody know conclusively?




That was not the work of those vandals featured previously.


Finally convinced my wife of the technique for buying only quality food. She is now forbidden to buy anything without at least three adjectives in the name.



Sounds a little cruel to me.


This is a great marketing ploy.


I would bet money this increased donations.





"My daddy's a lawyer."


I'm thinking that anyone who would mess with Texas wouldn't be dissuaded by a bumper sticker.



I simply can't imagine having to do that BEFORE I go to work.


The night of the amateur drunks.


Help me understand mechanics of living with this in your mouth.
Specifically, do you turn it sideways? Inside the teeth or outside?



Looks like a non-technology Black Mirror.


At age 30 you have had a month of birthdays.



What a great idea.


Mesmerizing as it is terrifying.


Prototype crawler with omnidirectional wheels can move in any direction


Had a brother-in-law who wasn't very good at doing that.
They never even recovered his body.


I watched about a dozen of these and they all responded just like these two.


Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant


The three most used.
I found that hilarious and I don't know why.


Camping by Resurrection Bay, Alaska
Nice tents. I just wish they could hang between trees like a hammock if desired.


All of the Roads in Ireland on OpenStreetMap Over Time


Demolishing a Boeing 747
Looks like a fun job, in a childish way.


At first, I wondered how this house would deal with waves or, god forbid, a flood.


If I moon you, photons that touched my butt touch you eyes.




Look at these designs and close-ups carefully.

Do you think they could organize these many people or is it computer generated?


Fun with a slanted mirror.


How depressing.


Nice photograph. And yes, I remember when they used to advertise that they had color TV, AC, and phones in the room.















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