One Of My Very Own
Every evening around 7pm we get a thunderstorm warning and every night it rains like hell. It has something to do with day after day of 100-degree heat index and high humidity.
I hope that you folk are enjoying you more moderate temperatures.
Shit like this is exactly why I don’t go outside.
Whoever threw the little floatation barrel is a damn good shot.
Two distinct red deer populations that never cross the border even though it is now open woodlands.
They have even been tracked them with collars to prove it.
The reason is that decades ago there was an electrified fence along the border and the deer learned to avoid it.
Now the parents teach their young and they now maintain that behavior even though there is no need.
Logging companies set traps for the game but ended up killing many chimps. An old chimp watched from trees as humans set the traps, then figured out how to disarm them without injury. Then he taught all the others.
Moscow has one stray dog per 300 persons. The dogs have divided themselves into four distinct groups.
Guard dogs: Who hang out around any security personnel and act as a warning signal for food and water.
Foragers: Who eat discards from the ground or out of cans.
Beggar Dogs: Who beg for food, but only of people who it smells have food. There is evidence that they remember faces of previous donors.
And lastly the Wild Dogs: These are the pack animals who attack any pet or wild animal who wonders across their path.
Interestingly, that last group are losing all spots and are melding into a more wolflike creature.
Speaking of, this is a huge wolf.
The rhinos protector
A mile a minute sounds way faster than 60 miles an hour.
This section is not about having fast reactions like this guy.
Or this guy.
Bomb rack jettisons test failure.
As quick as that happens, he still tried to dodge it and almost succeeded. Impressive.
Nor does this section address slow reactions.
This one not too slow.
This section deals more with facial reactions to unfortunate events.
Here are a few old ones to re-enjoy.
The universal scratching of the head.
My favorite: Sheer Terror
My favorite...
The guy who convinced blind people to wear sunglasses was a hell of a salesman.
A machine does this.
These half grams will get packed as singles.
What a time to be alive.
Let's have a show of hands.
Do you while away hours playing games like this?
Sounds a little silly when put that way, doesn't it?
And please don't try to tell me you play an "ADULT" game because the figures look like humans.
But maybe there are aspects of the game I don't understand...
Question: If you are a gamer and someone asked you how you spent your afternoon, would you actually tell them you got to level 8 after killing four Zebo water nymphs with level 6 platinum armor and you did it in less than four hours.
Seriously, do you think it's healthy for words similar to that to regularly come out of a grown man's mouth?
Dried tea leaves rehydrate
I would have thought they had lost their green color forever.
I've never fucked a ten, but one night I fucked five twos and I think that counts.
The Onion has its say:
MYTH: It’s expensive to house the homeless.
FACT: Our prison system is quite profitable.
MYTH: The homeless spend their money on drugs and alcohol.
FACT: You also do that.
MYTH: People think the homeless are a bunch of drug addicts uninterested in improving their lot in life.
FACT: True, our society does lack empathy.
MYTH: Homeless people don’t want jobs.
FACT: Nobody wants a job.
MYTH: Homeless people can make hundreds of dollars a day panhandling.
FACT: Almost all of that money goes to the IRS due to panhandlers’ tax status as independent contractors.
MYTH: The homeless epidemic disproportionally affects people of color, disabled people, and veterans.
FACT: Sure, if you’re going to cherry-pick.
MYTH: Homeless people are often mentally unstable and can be a danger to themselves and others.
FACT: You’re thinking of the incredibly wealthy.
1970s Stewartress outfit.
It is her job to get your panicked ass off that airplane seconds before you catch on fire. How well do you think they can do that wearing those high heels?
The caption read:
I guess so! I had to cheat.
William = Bill. To pay = toupee.
God, I hope that's true.
Read that backward.
That is why they are "required" to chock the wheels.
People bitch when the road is fucked up and they bitch when they are fixing it.
That's not photoshopped.
And she only has four fingers on the other hand.
"Don't Kid Yourself" would be a great slogan for a condom company.
I'm not sure what that is.
Some kid probably just responded with "same" out of habit.
That is no more silly than you expecting to meet up with grandma in heaven.
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