About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
A first for this blog:

How can that many hits come from an Unknown Region? And my blog host is Google. So Google doesn't know where those hits are coming from?
And the map showing where my hits come from has gone blank.
Here's what it usually looks like:

And this is now:

You think I pissed somebody off?


I'll be back later to explain.




She's like, "What the fuck is that?"

Will smith filming a scene PsBattle

Eating bugs deliberately is something that 2 billion people routinely do, but not so much in the rich world. There are plenty of people who'd like to change that for good reason: raising mammals for protein is energy-, water- and cash-intensive, whereas bugs are cheap and easy.
( RH - I would try that in a heartbeat.)

The Sand Octopus

1. This species can’t shift colors, they lack color changing organs(chromatophores)

2. They shoot jets of water to create quicksand and then blast almost a foot into the ground.

3. They’re the first cephalopod known to burrow

4. They breathe by creating a “chimney” like a hole with their arms called a ventilation shaft.

5. They secrete a mucus to reinforce the walls of their predator proof bunker.
While many cephalopods bury themselves in a shallow layer of sediment for camouflage, Octopus Kaurna (southern sand octopus) is the only known species to exhibit sub-surface burrowing. 

The shrimp-like things standing on the counter were first poised that way, knocked over one at a time, then the film was run backward.

Anyone driving a huge pickup truck should be required by law to have a bumper sticker the exact length of his penis.




Sami people and a traditional peat hut, ca. 1850.



Henry Ford in 1921 with his Model T. Did you know that the spoked wheels on those things are wooden?

Did you notice the guy on the far left?

The Ovitz family. A family of Jewish actors/traveling musicians who survived imprisonment at Auschwitz during World War II. Seven of them were dwarfs.

The real Lawrence of Arabia.

Count Lyov (also Lev) Nikolayevich Tolstoy, usually referred to as Leo Tolstoy. Russian writer, regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. 1908

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, leave Sarajevo City Hall on June 28, 1914, shortly before they were killed. Within 30 days, WWI would begin.

For example...
Clara Barton (1821–1912), founder of the American Red Cross. She was nicknamed as the “Angel of Battlefield.”

Members of the US 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company 'C' pose in front of an M-10. These men were credited with knocking out four s.SS/Pz Abt. 501 Panzer VI 'King Tigers' at or around Stavelot, Belgium on December 19 1944.

Why did Scarlet Witch lose her Russian accent after age of Ultron?



Drainage Nets Cleaning up Henley Reserve

In March 2018, the City installed drainage nets at two locations in Henley Reserve as a trial. The nets were installed in an effort to reduce the discharge of rubbish from drainage systems within the City, in particular areas where road drainage is discharged into public open spaces and reserves. 

The nets were installed on 750mm and 450mm diameter concrete drainage pipe outlets. Both nets have been cleaned three times since installation with a total of 370kg of debris collected by the drainage nets which has been removed and disposed of. The debris consisted of food wrappings, drink bottles, sand and tree leaves. 

With the trial proving to be a success, the City of Kwinana’s Engineering Design Team has identified three other locations within Henley Reserve that will be designed and retrofitted with the nets to capture more debris that would otherwise be washed out into the reserve. These projects will be proposed for the 2019/20 budget. =21=

Get it?

This is some kind of hard ass ball.

That would be a wonderful thing to see...once.

Finally got a gif of this to work.

I may have posted this prior.


“Jacob’s Well” near Austin TX.

A naturally occurring spring that is fed by a giant aquifer.  Scientists report having now mapped out a small portion of the ginormous cavern of water beneath it. The water’s temperature is a constant 68 degrees.

8 people have died diving here. Diving is now only allowed by special humans who have fancy documents. 


Thank you.

Mount Roraima in Venezuela used to be level to the ground but earth plates caused it to rise straight up without creating peaks.

I heard that 80% of household dust is human skin cells.



Never play games on the highway.
As a matter of fact, don't do ANYTHING unexpected. You are just asking for trouble.

Call 911?! I would have called a priest.
Probably though it is just a new drug that she readily ingested.

That man was born with the same fear of heights as you and I, but he somehow suppressed them.

I'm not into dying my hair, but I really like young women going wild with it...the wilder the better.

This 13-year-old German of the Hitler Youth captured by the 14th Armoured Division, 3rd US Army, in the vicinity of Martinszell-Waltenhofen, Germany on April 29, 1945.
People who feel superior to other people are the most dangerous people. Here is a bit of justice.
They have Nazis in Seattle?!?!

And he looks rather smug about the whole thing.
Is that how Ikea's Swedish meatballs are made!

I would not write poetry like this:












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