About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


More blog drama...
I must have picked up a whole classroom in Tanzania. If so, welcome aboard fellows, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Is any of you people ready for a batshit crazy President Pence?

Look, let's suppose you believe that every president pulls these dirty tricks and it's just a part of the game very powerful people play to increase their power, then I would suggest that this president is so fucking inept that he got caught and in opinion, he is going to be impeached for it. But let me take it a step farther - I predict he quits before he is forced out. His ego demands he leave on his own terms.


They are called gypsies and South Carolina is home to thousands of them.

I think he got shot.

A couple of new books...



His risk/reward strategy is seriously flawed.

Go back and watch is tooth fall to the ground.

“Actually bees never sting me.”


It just ain't worth it, folks.

Player thinks the umpire is garbage.
How very mature.


Babylon Bee is like The Onion for church stuff.

How very sad.

Thus forever subjugating women to second-class citizenship...because god decided that.
How demeaning.

Christian parents who 'let their 10-month-old girl die of malnutrition and dehydration after refusing to get help for religious reasons' react in horror as the judge reads out their MURDER charge.

The best description of a high school reunion I ever heard was: It looked like everybody had just...swelled.



That must be intimidating.

Fishing is all about timing.
I am impressed. He could feed the whole damn village.

The greatest War-Hero of all time. By preventing it.
Petrov was the duty officer at the command center for the Oko nuclear early-warning system when the system reported that a missile had been launched from the United States, followed by up to five more. Petrov judged the reports to be a false alarm, and his decision to disobey orders, against Soviet military protocol, is credited with having prevented an erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and their NATO allies that could have resulted in large-scale nuclear war.

Over 36 years ago today, Luke Appling hits a home run at 75-years-old during an Old-Timers Game.

We were out to eat at a restaurant in Buffalo last night when a girl came up to my friend and said she’s been there just once, five years ago. My friend had photobombed their picture and she recognized him because he looks like Zach Galifianakis.
That bitch remembered him after five fucking years?!

Behold the miracle.
The absolute best thing a human can do.

Eating ass on a plane is called Skyrim.










Sure, dogs can be loyal but cats won't tell the cops where you keep your drugs.



That these aren't being used in combat tells me the system is flawed.

It will eat through just about any wall or door.

Let's take another look at this brilliant construction method.

Only in America...
It comes with a free insulin shot.

Are you a vengeful person?

V4 vacuum engine - desktop model
Do want.

How do you get your bike back to the top where one would assume you left your car?

There has got to be a way to use that to enhance your sex life.

90% success rate sounds a lot better than 1 in 10 chance of failure.



By Kristin Houser August 7, 2018, Hard Science
WE CAN’T ALL BE RIGHT. For something identified as a “constant,” the universe’s rate of expansion sure seems awfully inconsistent.

Back in February, a team of researchers working with NASA revealed that Hubble’s Constant — the rate of the universe’s expansion accepted by most physicists for the majority of the past century — could be wrong.


A Day in the Life of Americans

This is how America runs. I found it fascinating and you can watch for as long as you want.









Think color.




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