About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 21, 2018

FRIDAY #3554

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Remember that homeless woman who I used to find on my back porch talking to my wife two or three times a week?
Well, she has been arrested for the baseball bat bludgeoning death of her landlord and roommate.


Do you remember them reporting that the cop-murdered guy had a little weed in his apartment for no reason whatsoever?
Shit like that drives up the fucking wall.

The clock is ticking.




I'm due to stop smoking. Wish me strength.

It looks like she asked him to do it. Jeez.

She seems justifiably impressed.

Why white guys shouldn't rob stores...
And his culturally appropriated low rider pants fall down, just like the black guys.

Oh, hell no...
I wonder if they have a concussion protocol.

Lest we forget...

Let's end this section with GYM GEMS

No one takes their job more seriously than the guy that glues down the start of the toilet paper roll.



These first two could very well have gone into the not thinking section above.


That has got to be embarrassing.

I don't think I've actually seen a peacock fly...
Way more explosive that I would have thought.
[verification needed]

Keepers step in to rescue male lion after the pride of nine lionesses turned on him in front of shocked safari park visitors. The article states that female lions kill off the male of the group when they become too old.
Good thing one of the visitors was a vaper.



God: They shall remember your journey and your sacrifice.
Jesus: Thank you, father.
God: There shall be bunnies.
God: And chocolate eggs.
Jesus: But-
God: Shhhh. I’m enjoying my new creation, marijuana. Don’t harsh my mellow.



That's not his first rodeo.

I would think that would increase the speed.


The money shot...

Electronic Fly Trap


I would like to personally thank the people who create this type of visuals.

1926 Rolls Royce
Back then you didn't actually buy the whole car, Rolls supplied the engine, chassis, etc. and a coachbuilder custom-made the bodies and interior to the owners' specifications; there are probably no two alike from this period.

When armor protection is no protection at all...
As you know I'm no fan of war, but if you send our sons and daughters into harm's way, they deserve the worlds best weapons.


Food Ideas
Holy shit!

But must get stone cold before it's all eaten.

Lobster roll
I almost had three of these in one day - brunch, late lunch, and dinner, but chickened out at dinner.

Watched a documentary on this stuff: A Leaf of Faith

Kratom and Ibogaine...both natural plants that it is claimed to do extraordinary things. One quote from the film:

"We don't have an opiate problem; we have a pain problem."
My professor of pharmacy advisor says there hasn't been enough testing to know if it works or not.

I'm one of the 128 people on earth who doesn't have a facebook so when the robots take over don't even try to come to my off-grid-bunker for freeze-dried food.



Binary counter - the language of all computers
How very clever.

I once posted this a decade or so ago and my brilliant daughter felt it necessary to tell me that's not how she does it.



A movie special effect?




The internet has ruined me.



That look.


Famous First Lines





Some classic stills...





Michael Harris said...

If you really are trying to stop smoking...my daughter is in her 50's and has smoked all her life. She tried vaping-no good. But then somebody talked to her. It seems that the vapes are in different strengths. She is on a strong one and has managed to cut 30 a day down to 3 real cigs-after meals of course.Good luck-Mike

Unknown said...

Expanding tire diameter: Yes, should increase the top end speed while providing better traction and less torque required at start up....isn't that what transmissions are for?

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