About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 1, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Think that's photoshopped? Probably.

Understanding Bitcoin:

"All hail, Stan."

I bet he's so proud that he never sells that truck or at least keeps the door if he does sell it.

That's true you know.

Corporate Management 101


Your DNA contains millions of years worth of software updates. Some make you better, some do nothing and others can fuck you up.




This intrigued me greatly. Then I just assumed it was photoshopped and moved on.

Later I discovered it was not shopped, it was turned 45 degrees.

Looking at things from another perspective almost always works.

There are thousands of these and I like every one of them.

This one is rather straight forward...

This one more difficult...

Last night I watched a young woman tongue Gene Hackman's ear. Not something I'm proud of and that's all I have to say about that.

One of my all-time favorite cartoon.


Here are the shapes he used.

Here's how he mounted them.

And from the street you see this:

And though unrelated, this looks like a collection of them.

I have made hundreds of those, only mine were painted realistically. I call(ed) them Porta-People.

While in graduate school I took an art history class that showed a picture by one of the masters in which there was a dog taking a shit. Then the instructor showed other pictures by other artists that include the exact same dog taking the exact same shit. He explained that someone, at sometime followed a dog around until it took a shit and sketched it. He used that in his painting. But then if another artist wanted a shitting dog, he didn't have to follow a dog around, he just needed to visit the museum.



I love shit like this...


Not so subtle anti-war statements...


Wondering what would happen if I made something like that today. Just asking.

Don't give bad drivers the finger, rather give them a thumb's down. Much more effective.



Bummer that.

"Eat up with the cancer" is a phrase we use a lot in the South. I'm referring specifically to the qualifier "the." Down here she's "the wife" and he's "the husband." Your offspring are "the children" and we don't say "go home", we say "get on back to the house." All except for "the truck." We give our trucks names down here. Always have and always will I reckon.

A man fed up with dogs pooping on his property has set up security camera just to catch owners and their four-legged friends in the act, then publically shamed them.

Wow. Wish I knew where that is now.

Prêt a manger
The name means "ready to eat" in French and is a nod to prêt-à-porter, which means "ready to wear" in the fashion world. ... Pret A Manger wants to capture a wider audience who care about becoming a little healthier but still get their food fast.
Here's the way we do it in America.

A sail that large will push a huge sailboat to 30 mph. He had no hope of controlling it.

Sure it's an eye catcher...
But why? Or am I not allowed to ask that?

Goddamn I love creative problem-solving!

Scola Tower, Liguria, Italy.
How could you not have sex atop that inviting structure?

Likely among the warmest months since the Eemian 120,000 years.
[verification needed]

Anyone Know What The Best Weapon? Here's A Real World Study To Figure That Out:


I wish I could be ugly for just one day. Because being ugly every day kinda sucks.



Hey Ralph,

Enjoy your blog. I’ve watched it gain followers over the years. I think I may have been the one dot in New Zealand on your widget for a long time.

I’m an expat American, living in New Zealand. Retired U.S. Air Force and my father's name was Ralph. So when I saw your request for additions to your blog, I just had to compile a few for you. See attached, and keep the entertainment coming.

This guy knows me pretty damn well and covered most of my favorite bases.
He included a fun with language...

He included something that looks like genitalia.

Science humor...

More references to genitalia...

More fun with language...

He even dabbled in the absurd...

More absurdity...

Another clever T-shirt...

Our old friend juxtaposition was touched upon...


He even touched on the world of epic fucking beards like mine.



Lost her ONLY prop.



Think that is "taken out of context"? GO READ THE GODDAMN BOOK!

My wife walking through the room in which I'm napping.





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