About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 31, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Four one picture ghost stories







You need to read this.




These next three may require some study. Nothing too dramatic, just unsettling.






Our energy problem is the lack of the next generation battery. I know there are great efforts underway, but I think we need a Manhattan Project-style effort. But have no doubt, if you are concerned about climate change, you must be open to the next generation of nuclear reactors. 
See: Nova: The Nuclear Option



That reminds me of women like this who complain to their friends that men are looking at her breasts.

The U.S. - Mexican border, 1848
That wasn't that many generations ago.



That's amazing.




Greco-Roman wrestling was just something these guys made up when they got caught.

That is the face of utter surrender.


Don't call the alligator a big mouth until you've crossed the river.



Those deformed bastards have had their ability to swim inbred out of them.

[verification needed]

I was stationed in Germany at the time. My girlfriend lived in Heidelberg and I was visiting on the day de Gaulle did that.
My train home from Heidelberg cut across a tiny tip of France - an uneventful trip I had made numerous times. But on this trip, my US military ID was not a valid passport and the French customs officials drug me off the train and detained me long enough that I missed the next train. Lesson learned.

"Evil is a make-believe concept we've invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans."

I watched a silly nothing movie and look who had a cameo.
That saddened me.

There are so many clips like this that I don't even post them anymore, unless there's a twist.
That lady tried to push her daughter in front of a van. Think about that a minute. 
And who doesn't know that gas stations have security cameras?

Pranking done right!

A man can't be wise in all things. The greatest surgeon regularly forgets his anniversary and I doubt that Einstein could change a tire. The important thing is to always find someone to blame.



That's one hungry bitch.


Making some kind of magic noodles.

One of mankind's greatest invents.

Kepler Telescope planets found in the first month of operation and in a tiny part of our own galaxy.
That came from a much too large gif. Originally it had the planets rotating around all those suns and was impressive.

Looks like fun.



Damn Gravity





One of my favorites.




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