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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Researchers have developed a rechargeable battery technology that could double the output of today’s lithium-ion cells. The new battery could drastically extend electric vehicle ranges and time between cell phone charges without taking up any added space.

The life-threatening bacteria called MRSA can cripple a hospital since it spreads quickly and is resistant to treatment. But scientists report that they are now making advances in a new technique that avoids antibiotics. Instead, they are using light to activate oxygen, which then wipes out antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The method also could be used to treat other microbial infections, and possibly even cancer.

Meanwhile on Three Mile Island...

 Why have I never seen the after effect like that?

Researchers have simplified the manufacturing process for creating electronic chips that can use multiple colors of light at the same time instead of just one. Using multiple colors at once would broaden the bandwidth of not only today’s electronics but also of the even faster upcoming “nanophotonics” that will rely on photons—fast and massless particles of light.

The golf balls at the mini golf on this pier are biodegradable and fall into the sea at the 18th hole.

Transplanted Face

And this is why she needed a new face.

Not as bad as it may seem. I toured a peach packing plant and the peaches deemed unworthy for supermarkets were sent straight to the jelly factory.

Dominos self-driving delivery car


Cap'n Crunch's full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch.



This guy started out with a figure eight then removed a bottem support. It didn't fall down.

Then he removed the last support.
Care to guess at the trick? Answer to come.

I know you've seen a bunch of these, but I find them fun.
She even has a little saunter.

The building of the Golden Gate Bridge. circa 1935. Colorized.


I've spent hundreds of hours watching German men do that to the berms around the nuclear weapons.
They stop to sharpen the blade about ever 40-50 strokes.

Getting bored on the job has been the subject of numerous studies. One involved a car plant where the guy who loaded finished cars on train cars with a forklift on average dropped one car a day. Come to find out his job was so fucking boring he dropped the car on purpose just to break the monotony. They solved it by having guys rotate in and out of being the forklift guy throughout the day.


Liebian International Building, Guiyang, China
What about a breeze soaking pedestrians? And fungus?

If that tiny car is in a crash, she's never walking away from it.


I am in awe of people who make things with their hands.

And it's big.

I had one of these for roadtrips, but mine fit in my trailer hitch.

Have you ever wondered why they are called Spitfires?
Prior to starting flames pour out of the exhaust.

Who would win, the Predator or Kevin from Home Alone?




Army BUK crashing into a shopping center in Kiev, Ukraine.

Bravo Campbell's.


Mere moments before...

Who would think this was a good idea?


One of the easiest men in America to hate.

Halloween idea...


Kevin Spacey's once-illustrious movie career came to an end this weekend with the release of Billionaire Boys Club. The movie, filmed in 2015 before numerous accusations of sexual assault and misconduct were brought against Spacey, made less than $500 on its opening weekend. No, that's not a typo. Less than $500. There are yard sales that made more than that.

When did we replace the word "said" with "was like?"



Oh, the afterglow.

Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco hates hand-kissing.

The young "Austrian Oak" Arnold Schwarzenegger posing in London, circa 1968.
Bet he slipped her the ol' Austrian Oak.
Then, of course, the fame wears off...





Stupid cunt.



Fucking Catholics.




She does that very well...for a novice.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

20 - Bungee bouncing bagpiper bares all.

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