About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

That that is even a thing says a lot about us as a people.


The essence of most of our troubles isn't it?



I thought that was just trolling, then I found this...
Jesus fucking Christ Y'all!

I have no objections. The old gene pool needs cleansing periodically.

I bought my wife an elephant for her room. She said, "Thank you." I said, "Don't mention it."



Most of you people have no idea what kind of shit teachers talk about bad parenting. Yes, we judge you daily.

Corporations will only lie to you for one reason: they can.

Why do so many men have such a need to prove their manhood?

That's true, you know.
Then there's this...

I can guarantee you with 95% certainty that both those come from the exact same source.

Think of the things we have access to nowadays that our grandchildren will be in awe of...in a bad way.

Yeah, we all saw what you did there you little prick.

Previously I have discussed how people confuse their personal opinion with fact.
I think that occurs concerning food also. If you hate pears, then to you, they are awful.
I happen to eat a lot of pears, with mayonnaise and topped with grated cheese. Yummy.

So many almost solutions before a universally acceptable method arose.

Advertisers love to play off the fears that they themselves planted in her gullible little brain.

Consider the back pain causing, foot deforming, fatiguing footwear women insist on wearing because it makes that calf muscle look good.
Ladies, men don't give a fuck about your calf muscles unless it has a hole that he can stick his dick in.

It's sad how I still haven't hollowed out a watermelon and worn it like a football helmet.



Most suburban Aussies experiencing the influx of thousands of emus has buckets of water in their front or backyards for wildlife to access, like most outback Aussies have always done. 

The animals are dying from the 45 bushfires in NSW alone. The only places that aren’t on fire are highly populated city areas, where there is no bushland. These animals don’t exactly have a choice.

This is Otis, the fattest bear in the world.
Weighing in around a thousand pounds, at 20 years old, Otis sits and waits patiently for his food. His teeth are no longer sharp and are now stubs, essentially. Because of that, Otis waits for fish down by the river for hours until he is full. He conserves energy by sitting in the same spot. Park officials call him the “Zen Master” due to his patience.

Just a reminder that this wonderful man reviews fast food in a full suit and tie.


Mona Randolph's iron lung is 1 of only 3 still in use in the US. She has spent 35 years of her life in this machine.

But don't worry, we have a vaccine for that now.

Hurricane Harvey then and now...

There is a website that keeps up with this by the second.
If our enemies designed a higher educational system it would look just like the one we have.


The blackest of black pigments is a substance called Vantablack. It reflects almost no visible light, so anything painted with it looks like a 2D cutout of nothingness.

British artist Anish Kapoor licensed the worldwide exclusive rights to use Vantablack in art, which makes him kind of an asshole, but we've already complained about him on Boing Boing and that's not the point of this post. The point is that Kapoor has his work of art at the Serralves Museum in Porto, Portugal called Descent Into Limbo. It's an eight-foot-deep pit and because Kapoor painted the interior of the pit with Vantablack, it looks like a two-dimensional black circle painted on the floor of the museum. You can guess what happened next. A 60-year-old visitor (probably the kind of guy who can't pass by a "wet paint" sign without poking his finger at whatever the sign is referring to) ignored the warning signs and stepped into the hole, falling eight feet to the bottom of the pit. He was hospitalized, treated for minor injuries and released.

A doctor being arrested at airport screams that he is being treated "like fucking black person."

His name is Jeffrey Epstein and he's from Lakeland, Florida.

That actually looks like a good idea.

When will Ted himself finally show up to a Talk? 
(FYI: It stands for technology, entertainment, and design.)



That could actually come in handy someday.


Long distance and marathon swimmer Maarten van der Weijden tried to swim 200 km but after 55 hours had to give up after 163 km.

Rounding a rock
Do you suppose there's a big demand for such things?

Log carving for fun and profit...

I would bet you that there is a face guy, a body guy, a tree guy, a house guy, etc.
Cause that's the way I organized similar projects.

Two kinds of people...

When they switch your pay from hourly to piece work.

I once worked near a gigantic cypress swamp in Georgia. Once while my mural crew and I were rained out we just took a drive and we came to a humongous parking lot filled with pallet loads of sticks.
Imagine millions of sticks about as big as the ones above only they were gathered in 8" bundles and stacked on the pallets just like those split logs on the end are stacked...alternating directions.
The expanse was about as large as five or six football fields and we had to know what they were used for. So we pulled down into the lot and found out that they were the discards from the cypress mill and were all scheduled to go to a factory to be used as stems for fake plants to be sold in Walmart.

Nutritional labels should include a "What if I ate the whole damn thing" section.





He's from Pretoria.

Reality TV idea: Two doctors see who can make each other healthier.
A battle to the...life.


Amazing new image of Jupiter coming through from Juno spacecraft.

FYI: Jurors don't put their hands on the bible.







That was so bad, but my Black Humor file is running very low. Any help you can email me would be greatly appreciated.

Ritual relieves you of having to make any decisions. You just do it like everybody else does it. And I might add, to think like everyone else thinks.




"That awful man was staring at my breasts!"


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