About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy has been cooperating with an on-going law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak. During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location.
RH: That just what they would say if they had contacted aliens.

The University of South Carolina made Monday classes optional. Think about that a minute.


Question: Do taggers actually like this environment? Would you say, "Come on, Grandma, let me show you what I did today."

And millions of women voluntarily walk around like that all fucking day long.

I find it telling that he isn't even paying attention to it.

Reminds me of the study of why employees steal and it came down to one thing...all thieves think they are worth more than they are paid.

You may have spent all day Friday watching Aretha Franklin's star-studded funeral service on TV, but even so, you didn't get to see the procession outside. More than 100 pink Cadillacs were there to escort the hearse from the funeral home to the church.  The cars are a reference to her song, "Freeway of Love," in which she sings: "We goin' ridin' on the freeway of love in my pink Cadillac." 

Bravo! Well played, young men.


Do you suppose fear is the reason some of the women are not standing on the window sill?

I can remember when all the soles were leather.

Remember these?


Anybody know what's going on here?

I didn’t believe that for a second but it still made me laugh. In a fucked up way.

Except it was a year before, not a day. Minor difference.

God: This pie is outstanding. Where'd you get the apples?
Eve: Okay, promise you won’t get mad.


- Language Seen in Public -

I wonder how many people can identify Pat.


Which, of course, means that is nonsense. 

Sure, why the hell not.


Why not.




 "Alexa, make a clapping noise so the lights turn on."





I spent a lot of time making this out of famous logos, so enjoy it, goddamnit.





 I have this awesome app that shows me what I would look like as a fat person. It’s called Camera.




I sometimes regret having given up creating art. Oh, I know Folio Olio is a form of creativity, but I can't pass down a post to a loved relative.

That's actually pretty good advice.

How very true.

Other people's desire to own what you have to sell.

Young people have a keen interest in attention from their peers. Increasing the size of their mating pool is probably the overriding motivation.

But when you reach adulthood you should put childish notions to rest.
I would not say "shitty." I would have said "pedestrian."


 Ok, so there's "senior's parking," and "expectant mothers parking" at the grocery store. Where is the parking for "Undermedicated, on a short fuse and probably shouldn't be out in public?"



I can imagine that the worst fate would be being my age and being unsure whether or not you are loved.

I have serious doubts about all war. Vietnam should have taught us all that almost all war is pointless. And as evidenced by what's going on in the Middle East, we have learned nothing from that lesson.


The message is a clique, but the delivery system is unique.


But demon rum has its downside...

It's not about time. Other factors are involved, such as speed of consumption; alcohol content of your drink of choice; when you ate last; drinks per hour; and your tolerance level.


Too many people judge their life by comparison to others who have it better. That is foolish.


Famous First Lines





One of the first gags on the internet...




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